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PLEASE HELP: Musty/Mold Problem-


Posted 10:01 am, 03/17/2013

UV- C light along with causing permanent eye damage will destroy the DNA of any living organism including pets and humans, and the surrounding air can become ionized which can cause lung cancer.

george h w b

Posted 9:45 am, 03/17/2013

This mold is and can be very dangerous. Gonna cost a little, but get rid of it soonest. If it is real bad, you best hire a professional who specializes is this type of work. This is not something for the homeowner or regular contractors.

The Will

Posted 4:49 am, 03/17/2013

you must first take care of why it's getting wet in the first place or your just wasting your time


Posted 11:23 pm, 03/16/2013

UV-C lamps and the special UV-C goggles required to protect your eyes.


Posted 11:00 pm, 03/16/2013

Bombard the mold with ultraviolet light.


Posted 10:52 pm, 03/16/2013

it would also help to get a venelation fan to put in your crawl space


Posted 10:21 pm, 03/16/2013

Put a dehumidifier on the first floor of your house and plumb it to a drain or outside. Let it run 24/7 and it will take the moisture out of the air, and no more mold.


Posted 10:12 pm, 03/16/2013

Get professional help because this can make you sick!!!


Posted 9:48 pm, 03/16/2013

call a mold remediation company. they can be found in the yellow pages. you need professional help



Posted 9:47 pm, 03/16/2013

Don't forget to check the crawl space vents. They should be closed in the winter to keep out cold air and open in the summer to allow warm air in. This is supposed to help keep the area drier.


Posted 9:45 pm, 03/16/2013

EnviroTech Building Solutions will do testing and remediation if required. 336-984-6267

Concerned Homeowner

Posted 9:38 pm, 03/16/2013

Only a crawl space... Their is supposed to be a vapor barrier on top of the dirt, but I really am not sure- I need to check that out and see, great idea! Thank you all for your input, Please keep your information and suggestions coming-


Posted 9:09 pm, 03/16/2013

The mold will need to be removed. Do U have a basement or crawl a space? The moisture could be coming up thru the floor. I recently painted a block wall with 5 layers of oils to stop the black stuff from bleeding thru in basement of church building.


Posted 9:01 pm, 03/16/2013

Maybe a new roof and gutters and then call Mike Holmes. Clorox only kills surface mold and the water in the clorox does penetrate and makes the deeper mold worse.


Posted 8:57 pm, 03/16/2013

There is a company called Servpro, http://www.servpro.com. They do mold remediation. Good luck with it, mold can be expensive, not to mention deadly.


Posted 8:57 pm, 03/16/2013

bleaCH IT


Posted 8:51 pm, 03/16/2013

My daughter had the same problem.. she hired someone to come in and they brought huge humidifers that ran for 2 days.. but her house dried out and no more mold.. I will ask her who she hired.. she said it was noisey but well worth it to get rid of the mold..It is a health hazzard.. and will need to be addressed.. I will get back to you on who they used.

Concerned Homeowner

Posted 8:46 pm, 03/16/2013

Hi Folks! I need some advice concerning a problem I have experienced over the past year, or so. We purchased a home about three years ago, it was built in 1944. It is a two story house and has a cinderblock foundation. We had new windows installed about a year ago. Before, there were minor mold problems, and rather or not it has anything to do with the new windows, we have experienced ALOT of interior mold on the "four walls." There really isn't any on the interior walls... There was faux paneling in the spare bedroom on our first floor, my husband decided to remove it and paint the original walls... We had noticed that especially on the two walls that have windows and face the outside, were crumbling and moist, especially at the bottom. When the panelling was removed, there was dark mold behind it and on the walls. He tried to bleach the mold, wash the walls, allow it to dry and sanded before priming/painting. On those same 2 walls, the paint didn't stick at the bottom. It looked like it had, but slowly dissapeared. That room has a really musty smell, and I had some shoes stored under the bed- I looked at them, and they are all moldy and green looking. In my living room, my curtains have gray looking moldy fuzz in the pleats. Most all the windows have mold around them. Upstairs the 2 walls where the windows are, are very bad. I am really concerned- I do not know what to do, or whom to contact to assess the situation. Not only for aesthetic purposed, but I am concerned for our health. Does anyone have suggestions as to what the problem coulde be, or for reputable specialists who are decent and reliable? We are wanting to erradicate this asap! Please give honest opinions and recommend trustworthy people! Thank you SOOOO much!

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