Painted metal garage doors
Posted 6:49 pm, 11/06/2011
Dark brown is a harder color since it fades very easily, but it's doable. You'll just have to raise the door in stages to get to the edges of the sections exposed and let dry before closing the door or the paint will stick, etc. Sandstone is a good color that does well and looks very natural, and weathers well....if browns not a 100% necessary. Hope this info helps some. Good luck!! Steve
Posted 8:09 pm, 11/01/2011
Steve, I think you're right about that one! It would have been you.
We decided not to paint them, though. I really wanted to go with a darker brown color, and the doors are currently white, so the seams would have shown through unless we took them apart. I think we'll just try to replace them altogether next year.
Posted 5:43 pm, 10/27/2011
Most doors go about 10 years between paintings, depending on the color. It's rare to have pealing issues, but I've seen it happen a few times. Usually the wrong paint, etc.
Posted 5:41 pm, 10/27/2011
It's quite possible I sold you those doors 7 years ago, since I was a Wayne Dalton Distributor at that time. I sold many of them just like yours. My business was Garage Doors of Wilkes. Anyway, just clean the doors and brush them thoroughly like you would your tires. Let dry. Use exterior latex paint, 2 coats. Hope this helps! Steve
Posted 11:02 pm, 10/26/2011
They should be painted the same way and with the same type of paint as a car.
Posted 10:06 pm, 10/26/2011
If you would rather them match the house, I would call wayne dalton and ask what they suggest for their doors. I would also get a second opinion from either a paint manufacturer or real paint store (not lowes). It is very likely that the doors were originally powder coated or treated with a baked finish. Painting can be tricky
Posted 10:04 pm, 10/26/2011
My garage doors are white, don't think I would ever want to paint them. i've seen white garage doors on brick houses with various colors of trim, and thought they looked fine,
Posted 10:03 pm, 10/26/2011
When in doubt... ask Sherwin Williams. Seriously. When it's a substrate that's at all out of the ordinary they're the best trained in town. Just my opinion.
To be fair I am not familiar with Blevins house brand and don't mean to criticize them or their product.
Make sure whatever primer you go with is specifically recommended for use on metal and can be topcoated with latex or oil or whatever you go with.
Posted 10:03 pm, 10/26/2011
A garage door is a garage door. You can't make it look like anything else. I think if you paint them, you will be replacing them within 5 years.
Posted 10:02 pm, 10/26/2011
if the factory finish looks good i wouldn't paint it ...IE : if it ain't broke don't fix it (you'll probably just "f" it up)
Posted 10:01 pm, 10/26/2011
Posted 9:58 pm, 10/26/2011
Go to Sherwin Williams and ask them about a paint for metal. They won't steer you wrong.
Posted 9:56 pm, 10/26/2011
When you say the correct primer, can you be more specific? I have been using a Blevin's house brand of exterior primer.
I doubt that it matters, but these are Wayne Dalton doors. They were on the house when I bought it, so they're at least 7 years old.
Quack, the painter is a GoWilkes'er, so... He's never painted garage doors, though, which goes just a little further to make me feel like it's a bad idea!
Posted 9:53 pm, 10/26/2011
I think a latex paint would scratch off easily on metal doors.
Posted 9:53 pm, 10/26/2011
For style / decor decisions my KJV is
Posted 9:52 pm, 10/26/2011
The Painter should know which paint to use. I would not trust any GoWilkesers. lol
Posted 9:50 pm, 10/26/2011
The correct primer is the key.
Clean Clean CLEAN before priming. Preferably TSP.
If they get a lot of direct afternoon sun oil isn't a bad idea. You'll probably be fine with a good quality exterior latex though.
Golf clap for planning ahead. LOL Good luck.
Posted 9:45 pm, 10/26/2011
I'm having my house painted, but now there's the question of the garage doors; leave them white (where nothing else is white), or paint them to match the rest of the house?
I'm getting VERY mixed information online. Some people say to paint them in exterior latex paint, and it's fine. Others say that latex is wrong, you should use oil-based paint. Others say that painting them at all is a bad idea, because within a few years the paint will crack and flake off.
So, what do you guys think? If you've ever painted your metal garage doors, did the paint last?
He's scheduled to paint them in the morning, so I'm going to trust whatever is posted tonight