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owls are killing my free range chickens, any suggestions on how to stop this? trapping methods etc?


Posted 1:17 pm, 11/05/2012

get you a plastic owl and nail it to a post as high as you can get it around where your chickens roost , owls are teritorial and want come around another owl, i know it sounds crazy but it works


Posted 10:04 pm, 11/04/2012

Bothering any type of raptor, migratory or song bird (including transporting) is a federal offense. They are serious about it, you could face a felony and several thousand dollars in fines or even jail time. Some of these birds have tracking devises. If the owl doesn't get them the coyotes or foxes will. People, stop blaming wildlife for not being a responsible animal owner. Build a henhouse and put them up at night!


Posted 11:06 pm, 11/01/2012

Good old 12 ga


Posted 7:29 pm, 07/30/2012



Posted 9:18 am, 07/30/2012

i know sleepie,its handyman that thought she was going to clip the owls wings.


Posted 9:16 am, 07/30/2012

handyman28635 (view profile)Posted 4:48 pm, 07/29/2012
put them in a covered lot and clip their wings so they can't fly.
It appears he/she meant the chickens...


Posted 9:11 am, 07/30/2012

Owls hate to pay for anything. Make them start paying for their chickens and they'll go away!


Posted 6:56 am, 07/30/2012

Screamname Posted 10:56 pm, 07/29/2012
handyman28635 (view profile) Posted 4:48 pm, 07/29/2012
put them in a covered lot and clip their wings so they can't fly.
I'm not sure I'd try that. Owls have very sharp claws and beaks; they'll scratch and peck the **** out of you.
I'd sooner attempt to pound limp spaghetti noodles up a wildcat's ***, than to clip an owl's wings.

please god tell me that this person didnt think they were going to clip the owls wings.i cant believe anyone would think that they were going to clip the owls wings.


Posted 11:19 pm, 07/29/2012

*i'm sorry ...they are $120.00


Posted 11:18 pm, 07/29/2012

http://www.gowilkes.com/cla...?id=415723 ... ok they look like they are built out of used pallets with maybe $8.00 worth of material and a couple hours of labor ... and someone high on drugs might of priced them($125.00... get real) . ... but i think they might keep the owls from getting your chickens


Posted 10:56 pm, 07/29/2012

handyman28635 (view profile)Posted 4:48 pm, 07/29/2012
put them in a covered lot and clip their wings so they can't fly.
I'm not sure I'd try that. Owls have very sharp claws and beaks; they'll scratch and peck the **** out of you.
I'd sooner attempt to pound limp spaghetti noodles up a wildcat's ***, than to clip an owl's wings.


Posted 10:41 pm, 07/29/2012

Ginnie hens


Posted 10:37 pm, 07/29/2012

Send the state a bill for your lost chickens. We pay for baby factories and bums... Id much rather see my tax money go to help someone that needs it.


Posted 4:48 pm, 07/29/2012

put them in a covered lot and clip their wings so they can't fly.


Posted 2:21 pm, 07/29/2012

Thank you for the links, I will check them out further. As I stated earlier, it is NOT my intention to do ANY harm whatsoever to the owls, they are just trying to eat themselves, I understand that, I am just trying to protect my chickens. I don't believe in hurting or harming any animals.


Posted 2:21 pm, 07/29/2012

Put chicken wire over the roost area or have a safe place at night for them. As soon as you get rid of one predator 10 more will show up.


Posted 1:52 pm, 07/29/2012

You should call nc wildlife. You will get in terrible trouble trapping or shooting any kind of Raptor..


Posted 1:50 pm, 07/29/2012

You might try the NC Raptor Center in Huntersville, NC.

Be careful raptors are protected by law.


Posted 1:48 pm, 07/29/2012

here's an interesting piece of info...



Posted 1:46 pm, 07/29/2012

caught on wildlife cam, looks as though an owl is grabbing my chickens on the roost during the night, just wondering if anyone had any ideas as how to stop this, I don't want to harm the owls, just relocate them thanks

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