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Orchid Advice


Posted 4:56 am, 02/18/2018

orchids are very hardy more shade is need and most like hummid 80-90% and 80-90 degrees this is a plant that may bare flowers once or twice a year . for up to a month at a time we live in fl where they are everywhere. help this will help Myke


Posted 4:30 pm, 08/05/2017

It has been many years, but orchids are a PIA. I would advise putting it outside, in the shade, during the summer. I used to hang my small one from tree branches.

Also you will need to feed it. This is done by soaking the pot a plant food solution at least once a week for about a day. I used Peters and it is still on the market.


Posted 12:01 am, 06/05/2017

I've always wanted to have an orchid, but my thumb is not green so I was hesitant. I bought one at Lowes Food. Its add ice Orchid. You add three cubes per week. I put it in on a coffee table that gets indirect sun. The flowers began to wilt and fall off the two stalks. I thought maybe the ceiling fan was doing harm by too much blowing so I moved into kitchen. It seemed to slow down the flower loss, but now there all gone. I've had the orchid about two months. The stalks/stems look fine and the leaves look good. Will more flowers come back? Should I do anything? How long will it take? It looks pitiful with its two flower-less stalks.

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