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need help please!!


Posted 9:00 pm, 03/12/2014

you want a box to plug the camper to your house,if so all you need to do is put a 50 amp breaker in your house breaker box,then run a 50amp wire to where ever you want the plug,then wire on plug that matches camper cord.


Posted 8:52 pm, 03/12/2014

I am asking how to hook up the box to our house for the power supply


Posted 8:51 pm, 03/12/2014

He is a certified electrician. He does it for a living. It is just that we were going by what the people at camping world told us to do. He has already said it doesn't make a lick of sense what they told us. Thats why I got on here and ask, most of you guys are just good ole people with a lot of common sense.


Posted 8:50 pm, 03/12/2014

your camper is wired for 50 amps and you should have a drop cord that goes to the power pole.are you asking how to wire your power pole


Posted 8:46 pm, 03/12/2014

old man thank you I thought I was going crazy there for a minute. I helped my dad with a trailer but that was many years ago. What you said made sense.

A certified electrician makes so much sense as a fire could be so much more costly.


Posted 8:44 pm, 03/12/2014

120/240 one breaker, two breakers it don't matter now move out of my way let me get hold of them wores. I already hold the record for chicken houses burnt down.


Posted 8:39 pm, 03/12/2014

thanks everybody, all advice is gladly accepted. Thanks for the video Crypt.

old man down the road

Posted 8:33 pm, 03/12/2014

A 50 amp rv service is 220 volts. The highest amp service for 110 volt is 30 amps. Lowes sells the parts and can explain the difference. It sounds like you should have an expert do the work.


Posted 8:27 pm, 03/12/2014


Posted 8:27 pm, 03/12/2014

Dont take any chances, call a Certified Electrician to wire it for you and just to be safe.


Posted 8:24 pm, 03/12/2014

I know this is going to sound really stupid, but we have one here now. Its not that he doesn't know what he is doing but he doesnt know much about camper wiring. We dont have the camper here yet, but we know we need a 50 amp hookup. Our old camper only took a 30 amp. We were trying to have the wiring ready when we bring the camper home tomorrow. I guess we are putting the camper before the horse.


Posted 8:19 pm, 03/12/2014

Call an electrician?


Posted 8:15 pm, 03/12/2014

I have no idea. sorry.


Posted 8:09 pm, 03/12/2014

Any one on here know how to wire a 50 amp 110 volt receptacle box for a camper. We are camper ignorant!

We are trying to wire a box for our house to plug up a bigger camper. Any help will be appreciated! Thanks!

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