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Posted 6:08 pm, 12/22/2018

Get a new spray bottle from the dollar store and put a couple tablespoons of Vicks Vapor Rub in the bottle and add hot water and shake until Vicks is dissolved. Wait for it to cool down and then spray your child with the mixture. I had the same problem with my child's getting bit no matter what I put on him in the Vicks mixed with water worked excellent! We had less than for mosquito bites this past summer


Posted 7:26 pm, 08/29/2018

Mosquito Authority from Hudson,NC.


Posted 8:51 am, 07/30/2018

This is the only thing that works for me. We live in a valley surrounded by woods, a branch with 5 springs in back and 2 ponds close by. Lots of bugs.

Chemical Free Mosquito Repellent (Also for Ants & Fleas)

8 oz. alcohol

3.5 oz. whole cloves

1/4 c. baby oil or similar (almond, sesame, chamomile, lavender fennel)

Pour cloves into alcohol and marinate for four days, stir every morning and evening. I make in quart jar and just shake.

After 4 days, add oil and shake to mix. Now ready to use.

Gently rub a few drops into skin of the arms and legs. Repels fleas on pets too.

(Strain and pour in spray bottle. Spray and rub in about every 4 hrs. when outside. No bites.)


Posted 4:36 pm, 04/04/2018

I have no affiliation to this, but you don't have to spray or put deet on your kids. $20 and you can order online. Good for 1 acre. Hope it helps.


Posted 10:58 am, 12/28/2017

Mix a couple tablespoons of vicks vapor rub in hot water until dissolved. Let cool and put in spray bottle. And apply to child as needed. I have a son that gets eaten up by mosquitoes and have tried everything. This works. Dollar Tree carries vapor rub and spray bottles.

To Bee Sow Happy Farm

Posted 2:58 pm, 09/18/2017

The most natural way to repel bugs that bite is by using plants that they avoid. Buy salves that contain plants such as Rosemary, Calendula, etc. These are safe to use with no nasty chems and repel so much better than the chemical based sprays.

Any type of plant-based salve will most likely help repel bugs. However, some are better than most!

Good luck!


Posted 3:46 pm, 08/01/2017

we bought a product at lowes garden center that finally does the job it is called Skeeter Beater it has no DEET. it works really well about everything. I hope this helps.


Posted 12:52 pm, 07/02/2015

Hi I have a 3 year old and we have used everything from the deep woods bug spray to skin so soft to dryer sheets and NOTHING helps, they still bite her. I was just wondering if anyone has something you have tried that has worked. Any home remedies or anything you know works for sure. All help appreciated!

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