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Posted 4:49 pm, 04/07/2014

go to wilkes farm and garden and buy rozol, follow directions and your mole/vole problem will end.


Posted 4:11 pm, 04/07/2014

drop of peppermint oil on a cotton ball put in their tunnels,they are allergic and will leave or some s*** like that http://www.ehow.com/how_553...t-oil.html


Posted 3:11 pm, 04/07/2014

Bill.Murray and a case of dynamite :)

george h w b

Posted 3:09 pm, 04/07/2014

If I'm not mistaken, moles are on the endangered species list in North Carolina. With that being said, if I find one in my yard it sure is endangered. I generally take an 8 pound tamper and flatten out their run, wait a little while and go see what runs it is using regularly. Then I will tamp down the run again, set a mole trap. The steel spikes will take care of him/her. If that don't work, tamp down their runs, wait about an hour and go back with a 22 rifle/pistol and look for the mole to be pushing up the dirt in their run, then pop it. You must ease back close back close for they can feel the vibration in you walk heavy and will quit working.


Posted 2:54 pm, 04/07/2014

No cat but my dogs kill em all the time. Seems I have a large family of the moles

Twinkle Toes 97

Posted 2:39 pm, 04/07/2014

Or a good huntin' kitty cat!


Posted 1:58 pm, 04/07/2014

You need a good mole gettin dawg


Posted 1:49 pm, 04/07/2014

Moles are not only going after grubs, but also earthworms. There is a product that will rid you of both but most people don't want to kill the earthworms. Exterior Concepts 336-984-1729 has a machine that will kill them with gas. You can see it on the website called VarmitGetter.com .


Posted 1:32 pm, 04/07/2014

kill the grubs and the moles will leave.

Twinkle Toes 97

Posted 1:28 pm, 04/07/2014

Moles on your skin? Of moles in your yard?

honest gwliar

Posted 1:09 pm, 04/07/2014

Milky Spore powder. Not instant cure, but if you properly apply it about a 5 or so year cure. Makes the grubs sick, they die, nothing for the moles to eat. Started using it in the late '70's or so. This is the year for retreatment.


Posted 1:09 pm, 04/07/2014

Compound w...just like a wart


Posted 1:04 pm, 04/07/2014

What's the most cost effective way to get rid of them ?. I got them bad !!

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