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Posted 2:50 am, 06/19/2014

determine if you have moles or voles. likely to be voles, not moles. found a good site here (I have a huge problem with voles and will be trying this solution as nothing else works and my yard is too big).

i also learned that voles don't care about grubs so if you kill them you'll only waste a lot of money on grub-ex. plus... grub-ex needs to be put down at very specific times and we're already past the time to apply it!



Posted 11:08 am, 05/27/2014

Mole Trap ( Victor scissor- type) have to order it unless you can find one locally (about $14.00 but lasts long time) is the best thing I've found. Neighborhood cats also help as well as small digging terrier dog.


Posted 6:33 pm, 04/08/2014

32 years ago a fellow in Jacksonville FL named Jim Watson had a garden show. His solution was to poke

a small hole in the mole tunnel, pour a teaspoon of crystal drano in it, cover the hole carefully. The drano sticks to the mole. The mole will clean it off, and it kills them. This has work for me for many years.


Posted 5:55 pm, 04/08/2014

Drive north just across the VA/NC lion, find a Southern States, Ace Hardware, etc. and purchase poison peanuts. Best thing I know.


Posted 5:24 pm, 04/08/2014

kill the food source, grubs, and they will go away.. I have done this twice with homes, and neighbors are not very happy. LOL. Bruce


Posted 8:51 am, 04/08/2014

Direct the exhaust from your lawnmower into the holes with a hose.

Hot Mess

Posted 7:51 am, 04/08/2014

Forget moles I need something to kill off stink bugs.


Posted 7:24 am, 04/08/2014

Most of the recommendations on here so far have not been scientifically proven to work (gum, castor beans, pinwheels). The Rozol that was recommended is for voles, not moles since they will not eat it. It is illegal to poison moles in the state of North Carolina and the only way that I have seen suggested on here is the mole traps. You do have to find the active run. NC State used to recommend killing beetle grubs, but as someone suggested, they also feed on earthworms, which are very beneficial to the soil.


Posted 7:09 am, 04/08/2014

I have heard that pinwheels in the yard will chase them off.


Posted 1:13 am, 04/08/2014

well you could always drown the little ****s but showing a hose in there hole and turn it on full blast until they start coming out and drown them if they don't come out but also stepping on their tunnels can result in death or causing them too relocate else were.


Posted 1:09 am, 04/08/2014

In the words of Troy Landry on Swamp People.... " choot it! " lol


Posted 9:25 pm, 04/07/2014

Keep the cat inside while you're pouring gas down the hole and striking the match!


Posted 8:49 pm, 04/07/2014

get a cat!


Posted 5:24 pm, 04/07/2014

BlackRose258 (view profile)

Posted 5:22 pm, 04/07/2014

It's called pouring gas down their hole and shouting "fire in the hole" when you throw a match inside.


Posted 5:22 pm, 04/07/2014

It's called pouring gas down their hole and shouting "fire in the hole" when you throw a match inside.


Posted 5:18 pm, 04/07/2014

Sevin granular from Tractor Supply. One bag treats nearly 5,000 sq. ft. cost is around $7.99 or was When I bought it last. Put it out and had grubs on top of the lawn the next day. Mole problem gone.

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 5:01 pm, 04/07/2014

i keep notes on my laptop ... here's something i found about 4 months ago.

Mole Repellent:
1/4 cup castor oil
6 tablespoons water
2 tablespoons liquid detergent (use Dawn).

Combine all ingredients in blender until consistency of whipped cream.To Use: Add 2 Tablespoons of repellent to a regular garden watering can and then fill with warm water. Thoroughly water over areas of greatest damage. For best results apply after a rain or a thorough watering.

Joseph T.

Posted 5:01 pm, 04/07/2014

What a bunch of horse crap go here.


quote from article "Moles are classified as wild, nongame animals here in North Carolina. To legally kill them, you must request and receive a permit from the NC Wildlife Resources Commission".

also go here



Posted 4:59 pm, 04/07/2014

That chewing gum trick is only a myth. I've tried it several times; doesn't work.


Posted 4:53 pm, 04/07/2014

A stick of chewing gum stuck down in their tunnels, but I forget what flavor. Maybe someone will remember it on here.

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