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if anyone on here have experience with outdoor Pond? HELp


Posted 9:26 pm, 03/14/2012

OOOOpPPPP my bad.. i fed some food to my fish sometime during winter but not much cuz i thought they would be starving o,0 ahhhh and con i tried everything.. the fan broked and i had it for abou 4 years.. so alot of clogs cleaned but i guess it got the best of it and broke the fan.. So luckily i went to lowe to buy new one today afraid of losing my fish dued to lack of air in pond... and i cleaned the pond because of tooo much debris and junk in there that will clog my new one .. since weather will be very very mild for rest of week and next.. .. got the water temp exactly same as old one.. they are very happy fish now :) .. they slowly perking up without bellying up LOL :) thanks for help

con watcher

Posted 10:39 am, 03/14/2012

Your pump probably jut needs to be cleaned out.Unplug it,take a straight screwdriver and open it and clean out the green stuff.then snap it back together and plug it back in and place back in pool.


Posted 10:27 am, 03/14/2012

Also, DO NOT feed the fish... Until the water warms up. The digestive system doesn't work well
when the water has been/is cold. Just like their whole body activity slows down, so does their digestive track. They will eat, but they will be clogged up, if you know what I mean!



Posted 8:53 am, 03/14/2012

The movement of the water keeps the water oxygenated.

So you need to get that water moving or your fish will not live long.


Posted 8:40 am, 03/14/2012

and it's a 125 gal tub


Posted 8:40 am, 03/14/2012

Ok my waterfall pump quit working like month or so ago.. i knew this gonna happen.. I need to get another one soon.. but got up to this morning to find that since weather warming up now, fish is waking up some.. But now they look like starving of air.. they're gathering up to top.. (one of my fantail is belly rolling as well) i was worried now.. esp with that one because that fish was gave to me by my great aunt and i had it for 4-5 years now since i bought the pond tub.. I got the air pump running in it right now in hoping to get air circulation going thru in pond -_- .. Im scared to clean it right now if i change water too fast at wrong temperture it prob will hurt them..so if you have experience of pond during this time with cold water let me know what i should do?

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