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I think I have a bird nest in my chimney


Posted 10:33 am, 08/17/2019

leave them alone be gone before fire time


Posted 6:26 am, 09/17/2016

Chimney caps are a functional part of the chimney. There are distinctive chimney caps for metal chimneys and for masonry chimneys. They keeps unwanted items and creatures out of a chimney, preventing water damage and lessening a chimney draft. If you think there is nest in your chimney, then you can call a professional to inspect your chimney n later install chimney cap to avoid future problems. To get more detail you can visit http://www.chimneygenie.com...ong-island online.


Posted 7:57 pm, 05/21/2015

I may have bats in my belfry also, but I can only handle one crisis at a time, so those bats will just have to hold on.

50 Shades of Gay

Posted 7:44 pm, 05/21/2015

Bird nest in your chimney? Is that anything like having bats in your belfry? I've been told I have that problem, but I have looked all over this house and can't find a belfry anywhere. Wish I could be of more help, but good luck on getting the birds out of your belfry anyway.

Feel Burger

Posted 6:05 pm, 05/21/2015

Genocidal Elmo.

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 5:31 pm, 05/21/2015


last fall i could hear occasional tap type sounds in my chimney. it took me a week or so to realize it was stink bugs .... and they had gotten past the damper and were in the firebox. i lit a rolled up newspaper, opened the door of the woodstove quickly and threw it inside. for about 10 minutes i could hear them dropping into the firebox and dying.

yeah i did it and i don't feel bad about it


Posted 5:26 pm, 05/21/2015

I know Georges comment is meant to be a joke but its sad that there are ppl out there who would actually do something like that

george h w b

Posted 4:50 pm, 05/21/2015

Climb up on the roof with a flashlight and look down the chimney and see how far down they are nesting. Get you a couple of Cherry Bombs, tie them to strings which equal the distance to the nest/brids, then light and drop. Should take care of the problem. Then, as mentioned, seal or put screen over opening.


Posted 4:36 pm, 05/21/2015

I'm here all week


Posted 4:35 pm, 05/21/2015

Even though you can't charge rent magna, I'm sure theyll be nice enough to leave some deposits in the fireplace.


Posted 3:41 pm, 05/21/2015

bet they're chimney swifts.. We had bunch of those in swirling interesting motion from 100 or more birds in flight in the evening hours LOL


Posted 12:30 pm, 05/21/2015

Thanks everyone for all the feedback on what to do about my squatters btw. I guess I'll just let them enjoy my chimney for now, but I'll probably have the chimney sealed shut or at least put a wire grate over it later on. I don't use the fireplace anyway. I don't even have the gas logs hooked up.

Too bad I can't charge the little birdies rent....lol. 😀


Posted 12:27 pm, 05/21/2015


Posted 12:23 pm, 05/21/2015

Don't you be baiting him over onto this thread...he may tell me that I'm being punished for my blasphemous 6 day creation heathen ways by way of the bird flu. 😀


Posted 12:09 pm, 05/21/2015

Wait....how did that end up on this thread? I was giving mikey his daily dose of **** on another thread and it posts in this one ..... Cue twilight zone music


Posted 12:07 pm, 05/21/2015

Mikey you can't see the church for the building


Posted 11:12 am, 05/21/2015

Leave them alone. (In fact, I was told it was illegal to remove them.) They will all leave the nest soon enough. Then, as another poster said, put wire over the top of your chimney or, if you are not using it, seal it. We had to seal ours, not just because of birds but because of water coming in.


Posted 11:06 am, 05/21/2015

JB2012. It is awesome that you took care of the chimney swift birds then had them transported them to a wildlife rehabilitator. Did that with a fawn once whose mother was killed. He would not eat so he would not have lived. Those little birds are just like the rest of us, trying to make it. We need to help them.


Posted 10:36 am, 05/21/2015

They are likely chimney swift birds. We had a whole nest of them in our chimney a couple of years ago. Dont be alarmed if they start getting pretty loud, the older they get the louder they get especially at feeding time. We had a man come and remove the nest and i took them to a wildlife rehabilitator who raised and released them on her private property where she has special nesting boxes built throughout the woods. These birds are losing their prefered nesting trees due to people cutting them all down so they are resorting to nesting in and near houses which is dangerous for them. If you can, just leave them alone and after they are go just have a wire cover put on top of your chimney if you dont want more birds nesting there next year. :)


Posted 9:53 am, 05/21/2015

"what type of birds do i have"? chimney sweeps.or chimney swifts.

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