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Huge Yellow Jackets


Posted 7:29 pm, 08/04/2014

There is no such animal as a "Japanese hornet." The extremely large stinging insect is a cicada killer. They are not aggressive unless you get around their nests.


Posted 3:03 am, 06/19/2014

sorry the link didn't paste: http://www.bing.com/images/...;FORM=IGRE


Posted 3:02 am, 06/19/2014

omg no way. this is a real japanese hornet.


Posted 3:00 am, 06/19/2014

carpenter bees are annoying but they do chase away wasps... they are very territorial and i've seen them go after them. kind of like a b-52 bomber going after a fighter jet. it's funny but they don't give up. and they don't give up on your wood either so it's the lesser of two evils. at least they can't sting you though so i'd rather have them buzzing around.

those big wasps/hornets are very aggressive. best thing to kill them? get one of those giant electric fly swatters from walmart. they're awesome. and they really work against them if you've got one flying around you.


Posted 4:15 pm, 05/26/2014

Make sure that when you are trying to exterminate yellow jackets that you are not destroying Honey Bees.

Preferably, unless the bees and wasps are in direct conflict with your interests, is to leave them alone as they are the pollinators of plants especially crops we eat.


Posted 1:19 pm, 05/26/2014

If it's a big nest of those mean black hornets anywhere give me the GPS coordinates so I can throw some rocks at them. I don't need but one eye anyway.


Posted 1:03 pm, 05/26/2014

The little tiny black ones, smaller than a yellowjacket are the worst on me.

Every time one gets me it rots a hole out around the sting about the size of a pea.

Old lady

Posted 10:20 am, 05/26/2014

I think the female stings, but the male cannot. You can put sevin dust inside the hole and it will kill the female. Or you can buy spray at tractor supply and lowes.

They will return to the holes next year. If you kill them, fill the holes up. They can destroy wood by making huge tunnels through it.


Posted 10:21 pm, 05/25/2014

It's Obama's fault.


Posted 9:51 pm, 05/25/2014

I hoped the freezing winter would have killed off some of the bugs. Looks like it made them worse :'(


Posted 9:38 pm, 05/25/2014

I got stung by 3 of the giant things a few years ago, I figure they were the Japanese Hornets. Felt more like a burn than a sting. Hurt for hours, the swelled up for days. Be careful if that is what the are, I am a big guy that can stand pain pretty well, and these things kicked my tail. I would hate for them to get to an older person or little kid.


Posted 9:36 pm, 05/25/2014

Carpenter bees are a real nuisance. Our exterminator sprays them monthly. He claims they won't sting, but I am still scared of them.

the shadow knows

Posted 9:36 pm, 05/25/2014


Posted 9:33 pm, 05/25/2014

Thanks Dale I will give it a shot.


Posted 9:29 pm, 05/25/2014


Posted 9:28 pm, 05/25/2014

Bluebird1 (view profile)

I have had a problem with the Boring Bees,that looks like Bumble Bees. They have ruined 1 board on my deck.

spray wd-40 in the holes and it will kill them


Posted 9:20 pm, 05/25/2014

Hornets are a type of wasp...


Posted 9:18 pm, 05/25/2014

I saw two this morning, come to think of it Japanese hornets have more black on them. These look like giant yellow jackets.


Posted 9:07 pm, 05/25/2014

I know the difference between yellow jackets and japanese hornets and these are yellow jackets,


Posted 8:59 pm, 05/25/2014

I have had a problem with the Boring Bees,that looks like Bumble Bees. They have ruined 1 board on my deck.

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