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Growing a yard with dogs? Need Help


Posted 9:51 am, 02/17/2014

I would think it would be next to impossible to have a decent looking lawn if there is constant paw traffic compacting the soil. I'm thinking a thick cushion of Bermuda grass may be your best bet?


Posted 7:31 pm, 02/09/2014

Welcome to my dog world. I own 5 of my own.Our back yard is fenced. I have a poopy scooper I bought from tractor supply that helps with that or yeah you can rake and haul it away. The grass gets thin in the winter and if it rains a lot it can get a little muddy. I get a bale of straw from lowes garden 4.00 a bale and toss out the grass seed and put the straw on it. That has worked for us. Try not to cut the grass to short in the fall so there is more in the winter. In the spring cutting it with a riding mower and spreading the cuttings in bare places it will grow back on its own.Dog holes should be filled in first so no one breaks a leg. Debbie have a dog gone good day!!


Posted 6:11 pm, 02/07/2014

hey there, got 5 dogs and I use mulch at the enter/exit paths. watauga county landfill has mulch for free and the electric company has contracted out the right-of-way for power lines (I asked the guys if they wouldn't mind dropping the mulch off at my house, they did) so if you see a white truck with green writing doing work around your area, ask them. You'll need a truck. If you don't have one, I have one. And I've done a bit of landscaping so if you'd like to meet my email: iclimbup@yahoo.com


Posted 1:24 pm, 02/05/2014

I am interested in someone that can help grow a lawn that will stand up to 4 dogs. I am also behind on some yard/house work. I am working quite a bit and need someone to help rake up my back yard. If anyone has any recommendations I would appreciate it. Hopefully all will be reasonable. I live near the corner of where Wilkes, Caldwell and Watauga come together. May lead to more landscaping... Thanks

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