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Posted 10:45 pm, 06/16/2011

Well mines not going so well! Ive gotta cpl of tomatoes plants that are doing well, but my cucumbers are yeilding bunches of yellow blooms but no cucumbers! What do I do?!


Posted 9:39 pm, 05/02/2011

Well, they were fine AND good!!!


Posted 9:38 pm, 05/02/2011

*meant to say just fine haha I was talking to my husband and typing at the same time


Posted 9:37 pm, 05/02/2011

It was my first year growing them and I was stunned! I actually didn't plant them in the regular garden but an older mulched area in my lower backyard. They seemed to really like the stuff!


Posted 9:35 pm, 05/02/2011

Nancy, I am glad your cucumbers done well last year. Ours didnt do well at all. Everything else came up just good but the cucumbers hardly put out any and what few they did the kids ate them as soon as they were getting big enough to pull off the plants. lol

garden guy

Posted 9:32 pm, 05/02/2011

Everything in my raised beds and in the hoop houses are doing great. The green beans in the hoop houses are looking very fine. This time of year temperature is the most important. I made some great hoop houses by cutting some 6' welded wire (for concrete) into 5' lengths then setting them over the veggies then I placed 6 mil visqueen on top of it and then to hold the visqueen in place I placed another 5' length of welded wire on top. When the temps get warmer I will dismantle the hoop houses and use the welded wire as cages to provide a trellis.


Posted 9:18 pm, 05/02/2011

Garden in! Watermelon, cantaloupe, zucchini, squash, banana peppers, green peppers, jalapeno peppers, Serrano peppers, Cuban wax peppers, 3 types of tomatoes.


Posted 7:13 pm, 05/01/2011

Last year, my cucumbers went totally crazy. I was pickling every other day, it seemed, and giving them away by the bucketload!


Posted 7:11 pm, 05/01/2011

River, I may have to try that! Thanks.


Posted 7:11 pm, 05/01/2011

Of course, I am planting squash, as well. Although I had a bee chase me out of the garden and sting me last year for picking a squash close to the flower it was favoring! (And I'm allergic to bees.)


Posted 7:09 pm, 05/01/2011

My tomatoes didn't do well last year. The year before, although they started out rather puny, they suddenly were coming in quite well. Same was true of the year before. Both of those years, I was able to put up a lot of whole tomatoes and tomato stock..

Last year, my peppers didn't take off until late August! I had them coming in until late September.


Posted 5:12 pm, 05/01/2011

Let me tell you how to have great tomatoes... Take a bag of cow manure and dump it in a 50 gallon barrell and fill the barrell with water. About every other day, water the tomato plants with this water.. They will turn out huge tomatoes and large, thick vines.


Posted 5:04 pm, 05/01/2011

Did your tomatoes do good last year? Alot people have problems with their tomatoes.


Posted 4:56 pm, 05/01/2011

I planted a bigger variety of things last year and it was almost overwhelming! This is only my third season gardening, so I'm still new at this.


Posted 4:45 pm, 05/01/2011

My cabbage is doing really good.


Posted 4:44 pm, 05/01/2011

I forgot to add my cabbage.


Posted 4:44 pm, 05/01/2011

Sweet potatoes,corn,green beans,tomatoes,lettuce(two kinds),onions(two kinds),peas,squash,egg plant,zuchinni,bell peppers,cayenne peppers,jalepeno peppers,beets,okra,cateloupe,cucumbers,carrots. I might add a couple more things this week.

Various herbs in my herb bed.


Posted 4:38 pm, 05/01/2011

My herb bed is doing good also.


Posted 4:37 pm, 05/01/2011

And I've a small herb garden going in pots on the patio.


Posted 4:36 pm, 05/01/2011

My flower garden is coming along well. I just now added some more to it.

Tomorrow, I put in sweet and hot peppers, watermelon, canteloupe, and tomatoes. My plants are freshly watered and eager to get into the ground.

Then, June 1, I'm putting in field peas.

No corn this year. Tired of growing a crop exclusively for the raccoons!

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