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garden time


Posted 5:32 pm, 04/26/2012

Fella I know over in Hickory lost 40 acres of tomatoes!


Posted 10:11 am, 04/22/2012

Good news most of my squash is comming back, I went through and trimed all the dead off of them, and they are coming back. So the only thing I lost (so far) is an early havest. My Kenny Becks are up enough to "hill". The red and whites are holding back. Good luck to all with your gardens.


Posted 8:40 am, 04/12/2012

Missed that bullet too, got down to 31 but very little frost. One more day gone.


Posted 10:56 am, 04/11/2012

There is a lot of ?'s. were are you elevation wise. if you are not above 1100' over sea level I would not worry about it. The lake is around 1040' so guess were you are in reference to the lake. If you are over that level, then the burn barrell want hurt. It is going to be a short cold spell, a light frost want hurt that much, a frezze over a day or too is a differnt . I really don't belive we will have any frost, based on the fact that the Poplar trees have bloomed and fallen, the Black Berry's have bloomed. Then again I am just guessing. But then again I am eating out of my garden already.

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 9:58 am, 04/11/2012

Any advice on how to protect my fruit trees tonight would be gratefully accepted. I am somewhat a newbie and concerned. My trees are almost 3 years old and have set fruit. About 12 feet tall. I am thinking about moving my burn barrel into the center of the cluster of trees. Perhaps if I set my alarm and go out and create a fire, it might keep them warm enough for those few hours before day break.


Posted 8:56 am, 04/11/2012

NO FROST hey hey hey. April 11 everyday that goes by is one more day with out FROST.


Posted 9:59 am, 04/09/2012

Did not miss the bullet but all but I lost 3 maybe 4 squash. But I have replacements in the green house.


Posted 8:11 pm, 04/07/2012

Dodged a bullet lastnite,


Posted 5:19 pm, 04/04/2012

It took me awhile to find the garden site, good luck jwc i have been holding back to start anything people keep telling me that we are not done with winter. Think i will plant something tomorrow.


Posted 5:13 pm, 04/03/2012

so far so good we have some cool nite's ahead, but the ground temp. in the day two inches deep is holding at 68 degs. so a cool snap wan't hurt. A frost will hurt bad. but we are into April, and this next ten days look good. If all go's good I will eat fried squash next week. By the way Thursday plant, Good friday, plant, Easter monday, plant. Above ground plants Thursday, Good Friday anything, same for Easter Monday.


Posted 10:39 am, 04/03/2012

good luck jw


Posted 2:29 pm, 04/01/2012

as of today; potatos,watermelon,cucumbers,punkins,beets, zucucci, squash, lima beans,broccli,okro, cabbage, tomato's, onions, lettice, colards breens, corn (golden queen), I know its early but with luck from the frost, I will get in two full plantings this year.


Posted 2:21 pm, 03/30/2012

I have 45 crock neck squash plants, they are in 16 oz. "red solo cups" they need to be put in bigger containers or in the ground, I just put 45 in the ground. I will sell them for .50 cent a peice, a buck for 3. P.M. me.


Posted 9:26 am, 03/28/2012

Put out 300 okra seeds yesterday, no good planting days untill friday and saturday. Today I guess I'll do some more tilling.


Posted 9:07 am, 03/27/2012

Dodged a bullet last nite, NO FROST Yea, planting okra, greenbeans, cabbage and broccoli, last day untill friday to plant above gound crops, I did loose about 8' of peanuts and three tomato plants i the rain.


Posted 3:21 pm, 03/07/2012

We have two garden sites going, sorry. 1 will be great. I like both.


Posted 1:56 pm, 03/07/2012

Plants on in greenhouse, as far as having too much, that is the point, looking to be a good neighbor come picking time.


Posted 11:19 am, 03/07/2012

Wow I had 6 plants. I am still eating Squah

garden guy

Posted 11:17 am, 03/07/2012

I have peas and broccoli a few inches tall next to the south side of the house in containers. It has been in the teens here a few nights but I just covered them with plastic bags and they are doing fine.


Posted 11:05 am, 03/07/2012

One of the few items to put in the "plus" column when it comes to summertime here in the south. Although I prefer "canning season" to "growing season".

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