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Coping Saw - what a stupid name


Posted 12:37 pm, 02/11/2011

ok so i wasn't exactly as good as a skilled carpenter but i got the job done.

caulk is your friend.

its all painted in now and no one will know i spent wayyyy too much time on that task.


Posted 5:41 pm, 02/09/2011

thanks islesurfer. i think my misunderstanding was "loosen" and dismember.


Posted 5:33 pm, 02/09/2011

Sorry I came in late. hose usually have to be taken apart to replace blade.

Glad you got it fixed.


Posted 4:55 pm, 02/09/2011

i am not sure if i did this the "carpenter's" way but i finally changed it. this is 2 hours of my life i will never get back.

i took "loosen" to mean just make it loose. as i have never used one of these before i was afraid to loosen too much. i decided to just go for it and i removed the entire handle. everything came apart and i was able to put the finer blade in. new blade is in and facing the right direction.


Posted 4:38 pm, 02/09/2011

well let me explain, there are 2 levers on the outside on each end of the saw frame, are those supposed to loosen also? i thought those were supposed to change the direction of the blade


Posted 4:34 pm, 02/09/2011

loosten the handle ,,,blade come's out.. pin's /blade/togather..1 piece


Posted 4:29 pm, 02/09/2011

why on earth do they call it a coping saw? there's no coping with it.

should be labeled:
I am going to pull my hair out saw
Getting on my last nerve saw
Frustration saw

anyway, i am trying to learn this new skill because i need to cope a piece of shoe molding. i can not figure out how to change the blade to a finer one.

do the pins on the ends come out or just the blade? i loosened the handle but that's as far as i can get. is the blade supposed to come out of those slots in the pins?

any help is greatly appreciated

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