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Chickens? Cost of keeping them...


Posted 11:09 am, 03/27/2015

Chickens tractors are great if our have the space. If not certain breeds are better at foraging in runs. We have a few chickens that partly free range and partly run range. You can get 50lb bags of scratch grain at the local mill for $7. Then supplement kitchen scraps and garden left overs. If you getting just 3 hens then it should last them 2 to 3 months depending on f they can free range also.


Posted 1:15 am, 02/16/2015

I would suggest a chicken tractor that you move around the yard and feed them table scraps. You won't need to buy much feed if you do that.


Posted 3:26 pm, 02/15/2015

I want to get a few chickens like three total for eggs, we are vegetarians.
My husband is worried that feed would cost more than then amount of eggs we will gain.
Anyone here have just a few chickens? Got any idea of the price of up keep after we build their roost and pen? Thanks I just want organic eggs for my family of three to eat year round and save some cash if we can. Homesteading is a great hobby but I haven't found any livestock to fit our family yet. He's not fond on the idea. Something small we have a few acres of prime hillside :)

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