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Carpenter Bees---help!

Old Dixie Dog

Posted 3:11 pm, 05/16/2015

My neighbors storage building's eaves and rakes are in literally destroyed by the woodpeckers looking for the bee larva. I have been successful in killing them with a turkey baster and seven dust. Just puff a little in each hole and plug a week later.


Posted 2:52 pm, 05/16/2015

Spray your wood with lindane

concered dad

Posted 12:01 pm, 05/16/2015

Carpenter bees are just the start of your problem . Once they get settled in the Woodpeckers come after them .


Posted 9:28 am, 05/16/2015

I had a guy with a bucket truck caulk all their holes and then put up the bee traps. This is the third year and so far so good. You need to ball up a piece of screen wire and put in the hole before caulking because if inside they will push through the caulking.

A neighbor of mine gets an exterminator to spray his whole house top to botton each year. That must not be 100% effective because I saw him putting up traps the other day.


Posted 4:56 am, 05/16/2015

use WD-40, just spray into the hole,will kill whats in the hole and they don't come back


Posted 11:44 pm, 05/15/2015

Thanks for your suggestions. My husband has made a couple of those bee traps like those being sold in the classified. Hopefully they will help. We also plan to just get the whole dang cabin restained and add the bee killer additive to the stain. The guys doing the staining will plug up all the holes. Will cost us I'm sure....

@chendo - we are from Portland. Beautiful place, but too many people, too much traffic, too expensive and too many hipsters. ;)


Posted 11:24 am, 05/15/2015

Someone in the lawn and garden section of the classifieds has bee traps for sale .

Old lady

Posted 10:54 am, 05/15/2015

The carpenter bees like my painted barn and painted storage buildings.


Posted 9:08 am, 05/15/2015

what part of oregon?


Posted 7:55 am, 05/15/2015

My experience is that carpenter bees most definitely WILL drill into painted, shellacked and even treated wood. Rarely will an infestation in a structure abandon that structure. No question they are great pollinators but that is poor consolation if they are destroying your home.

A piece of 12 wire will sometimes kill the bee inside and their eggs too. A paste of water and sevin dust pushed into the holes with a batter bag helps and may be a little safer than some other pesticides.

Good luck, OP!


Posted 12:50 am, 05/15/2015

Carpenter bees and other native bees are great pollinators and were here long before settlers brought honey bees to the New World. As honey bees die off, we will depend more and more on native bees. Carpenter bees won't bother painted, shellacked, or sealed wood. So treat your cabin with a good sealant to encourage the carpenter bees to drill elsewhere. They like stumps, dead trees, and even bamboo.


Posted 10:08 pm, 05/14/2015

Tennis racket


Posted 9:34 pm, 05/14/2015

My dad used to shoot them out of the air with .22 rat shot. The longest shot he ever made was about 40 feet, but most were within ten feet. Worked great until he shot the window out of his vehicle from nearly 100 feet. No more bee huntin'!


Posted 8:10 pm, 05/14/2015

I spray our log home with liquid 8 pesticide and any holes, I feel
With "log-builder" brand brown caulk sold at Blevins. Also when you re-stain, there is a chemical repellant that can be added to each 5 Gal of stain that lasts for 3 years ... Never tried that but I will this fall
When we are due to stain. Hope this helps- also and garden center should have liquid 8.

Abraham Drinkin

Posted 7:57 pm, 05/14/2015

I have the same problem with my log cabin and wood deck. Soak the exterior with the best pesticide you can find. I use Cypermethrin I buy on DIY Pesticides web site.

Then I stuff every bee hole with a small piece of tinfoil so the bees can't drill further or lay their eggs.

old and tired

Posted 7:26 pm, 05/14/2015

63 triumph

Posted 7:22 pm, 05/14/2015

Get a Tennis Racket and go to it.

on the hill

Posted 7:20 pm, 05/14/2015

Can you not put some kind of sealant on the wood? Also guineas are great to rid you of all kinds of bugs if you're lucky enough to live in a place where your neighbors won't complain. Spraying all those chemicals is not good for you or the environment, it eventually ends up in lakes & streams or your drinking water.


Posted 7:12 pm, 05/14/2015

You may want to acquire some carpenter bee traps. You can buy them or make them yourself. You can review how they are made by googling carpenter bee traps.


Posted 7:04 pm, 05/14/2015

Our log cabin is being turned into swiss cheese more and more each day. We only moved to NC this past Sept. from Oregon and we'd never even heard of carpenter bees up until now. Now we're being invaded!!! (Don't get me started on stink bugs...)

We've got both capenter bee spray from Lowes that we've been squirting in the holes plus some industrial-strength bug killer that we spray every few weeks all over the house, as high up as the sprayer will reach. But the dang bees just hang around and hover around and finally go back to drilling. My husband is about to lose his mind! Any tips or ideas? Also we really need somebody who is willing to climb up high on our roof and plug the holes that are way too high for us to reach. Does anybody know of a service or reputable handyman who does this type of thing?

Any help or suggestions are appreciated!

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