EDITION: Wilkes County
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Prefer Female Mainly Friends

Description : I Have travelled 1/2 of the US and Met TOO Many people. I Have worked ALL my life Mainly in Construction, But Due to an Accident that Somewhat killed me I Lost ALL My "friends" Because I Could no Longer Benefit them. I Recently moved Back to Wilkes for the 7th and Maybe Final time. So I'm Hoping to find some New (REAL) Friends. I KNOW that I'm here for SOMETHING but WHAT? I'm VERY Easy going and just want a Friend. I Get along Better with Females but o long as you're Cool, I'm Good. Hit me up Anytime. I'm Nearly ALWAYS Home. Have a Nice Night/Day Whenever you check this out..

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General Information

Gender: Man
Age: 40
Zodiac/Horoscope Sign: Virgo
Occupation: Very Recently Disabled
Physical Attributes: Average
City: North Wilkesboro

Physical Attributes

I have Brown hair.
I have Brown eyes.
My height: Not Entered.
My weight: Average.
I have Decent body.


Alcohol - Occassionally.
Smoking - Daily.
If I were in high school today, I would be Mellow Dude.
The celebrity I most identify with is None.
Am I adventurous? Somewhat.
My race is Other.
My religion is Other.
My religion importance is: Somewhat.


My education is: Dropped out.
My annual income is $10-19,000/year.
How important is my job? What job?.

Marital Details

My marital status is: Single.
My child/children is/are: 4 legged..

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