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walking dead


Posted 9:38 pm, 10/16/2012

I have no idea Ron, I was just making predictions.

ron white

Posted 9:36 pm, 10/16/2012

Zombie,does rick really get bitten,if so,what website can i find it?


Posted 3:28 am, 10/16/2012

" I don't like the characters who deem themselves the authority on morality and how people should behave"

Like Rick?

He ascended to that throne quickly.

Daddy P

Posted 2:55 am, 10/16/2012

He was right about Otis so how were his doubts unfounded? He was dead on. I really hated to see Shane die though. He was nuts but he added spice to the show. I related to Dale in that he was trying to remain human and compassionate. Killjoy for sure, but I liked him.

I like Daryl too and am glad they added him to the show.

Blueberry J

Posted 2:45 am, 10/16/2012

I don't think you'd be spoiling much if you read the comics. They're a lot different. The most glaring difference? The lack of Daryl Dixon.

I'm glad Dale died. I really couldn't stand him. He was such a know-it-all. I don't like the characters who deem themselves the authority on morality and how people should behave. And, he was just plain stupid trying to intimidate Shane with his completely unfounded (he had no evidence) theories regarding Otis. I miss Shane. He was insane, but he sure was nice to look at. :(

Daddy P

Posted 2:23 am, 10/16/2012

Oh man you have will power! I honestly don't think it would hurt for you to read the books. They really don't go with the show much at all. The only bad thing about reading the comics is that I get mixed up with what has happened on the show and in the books. That may just be my memory and mind though. lol. I seem to do that with a lot of books and shows. At this point I have no idea what is what on Dexter or True Blood...I've intermixed the shows with their respective books that everything is a confused blur. :(


Posted 2:15 am, 10/16/2012

I agree, I liked dale and he was killed off early. I've read the comic put stopped reading once they reached the prison because I didn't want to spoil it for myself

Daddy P

Posted 2:15 am, 10/16/2012

Thanks open. That makes sense.


Posted 2:13 am, 10/16/2012

I think she refused and he sort of insisted that she (because she's pregnant) I think she took some from the bowl to pacify him and perhaps to eat later.

Daddy P

Posted 2:09 am, 10/16/2012

I've got a question about something. Last night when they were sitting on the grass eating. Lori handed rick a small red bowl of food when he came back from looking around. He tried to give her some and she said she had already eaten. She then proceeded to take the bowl from him and took food out with her fingers and dropped the food to the ground. Why did she do that? They are short on food obviously. I just didn't get what was supposed to be going on there.

I've read all the comic books and they are a lot different from the show, but in the comics the pets Michonne has are her boyfriend and a neighbor. She cut their jaws out so they can't bite her and she cut their arms off so they can't grab her. She takes them with her every where so their dead scent will make her smell dead and other zombies will leave her alone.

Spoiler alert

In the comic it is Dale who gets bitten in the prison and Rick amputates his leg. Dale lives a lot longer in the books and dates Andrea. Rick thinks that if he can cut the leg off fast enough he can prevent the "poison" that causes death and infection from spreading. In the comic it works and Dale lives and makes his own prosthetic leg. I wish they hadn't killed off Dale so early.

Has anyone else read all the books? I love them.


Posted 11:11 pm, 10/15/2012

I think I need me some of those armless jawbone less chained up zombies to take to work with me tomorrow. If it will throw off the smell of the other zombies and keep me safe. I am always being chewed on at work!! LOL!!


Posted 6:46 pm, 10/15/2012



Posted 6:45 pm, 10/15/2012

they haven't lost being civilized completely yet


Posted 6:41 pm, 10/15/2012

Why wouldn't Rick let Carl eat the canned dog food? I mean the boy was hungry

Blueberry J

Posted 6:29 pm, 10/15/2012

Holy Snapple! Check out the ratings:



Posted 6:28 pm, 10/15/2012

I think youre right


Posted 6:26 pm, 10/15/2012

but i'm pretty sure they showed a glimpse of it after hacking it off and it was just a piece of boneless meat

ron white

Posted 6:24 pm, 10/15/2012

Satan,he had a bone,i heard it snap while Rick was chopping it!!!


Posted 6:21 pm, 10/15/2012

i dont think Hershel had a bone in his leg... i didn't see one anyway

ron white

Posted 6:19 pm, 10/15/2012

When Herschel got bit,the infection didn't have enough time to start spreading,so they chopped it above the bite and yes those two walkers that are chained have no jawbone,pretty smart and it also keeps the human scent away from the other walkers!!!

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