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Walking Dead: things that bug me


Posted 10:30 am, 02/12/2013

I think Hershel is keeping too close an eye on the little psychopath.


Posted 10:27 am, 02/12/2013

Satan... I'm thinking it may be because she's leaning toward boinking Rick.


Posted 10:15 am, 02/12/2013

why isn't Carl trying to boink Hershels youngest daughter yet?


Posted 9:59 am, 02/12/2013

Everyone is already infected with the virus that causes you to come back once you die. A bite or scratch from a zombie doesn't infect you again, but the bacteria from the rotting flesh entering your bloodstream does. The reason Hershel was able to survive his bite was because Rick removed the affected leg before the blood poisoning could infect his whole body.


Posted 9:46 am, 02/12/2013

You can't over analyze it. It's a good show.


Posted 9:15 am, 02/12/2013

Rem7 (view profile)

Posted 11:41 pm, 02/11/2013

Why does it look like a bomb went off on one side if the prison?

I've wondered this my self, when they secured the prison it seems to me that they would have noticed this. But hey, how else are new characters going to roam in and be saved by a kid with a deputies hat.


Posted 7:27 am, 02/12/2013

I realize that but I would consider someone getting the infected blood in their eyes would be similar to a scratch or a bite. Maybe I'm reading to much into it. Lol


Posted 7:10 am, 02/12/2013

when they were at the CDC in atlanta the guy there told rick everyone is already infected,
which he kept to himself until after the farm was overrun


Posted 6:59 am, 02/12/2013

This may have been mentioned. Why hasn't anyone been infected by blood splatter? These people are covered in blood but none seems to get into the eyes and mouths. That bothers me about the show.

Here In Wilkes

Posted 4:05 am, 02/12/2013

Cynic, I guess there would be so many zombies that there would be total consumption of some of the victims. Or possibly there should be more crawlers -I guess the crawling zombie is just not that scary. Plus how long can something stagger around dead before it totally rots away? I miss the zombies that have character.


Posted 11:41 pm, 02/11/2013

Why does it look like a bomb went off on one side if the prison?


Posted 11:00 pm, 02/11/2013

Andrew Lincoln is British. You'll have to over look his inability to shoot properly. Btw, that explains his GA accent that occasionally is off.

But the last point is a really good one. Doesn't seem like a scratch or finer bite would be enough to turn them. I would see it would require a fatal wound that would kill them

Forever Cynic

Posted 10:29 pm, 02/11/2013

I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure the bike has the gas on one hand, and the clutch on the other. He couldn't be driving around at low speeds like that while shooting a gun, or it would go dead.

But what really bugs me is the way Rick (the cop) holds his gun. Even in the poster, he's holding it wrong! If he ever shot that gun, at best he would drop it. But he would most likely break his wrist.

And since we're talking about peeves with the show, where are all the zombies? With the US having 300 million people, and only a few hundred are left alive, wouldn't there be millions upon millions of zombies wondering around? But we only see a few dozen. Based on the population, you shouldn't be able to swing a dead cat without hitting a zombie.

And don't even get me started on Carl. On day 68, he's shot in the stomach with a high power rifle, and then on day 71, he's outside feeding the chickens. In reality, at best he would take several months to recover, but he would most likely die from infection. Even with current medicine, the likelihood of survival is pretty slim.


Last complaint. Earlier in the show, the CDC guy told them that everyone is already infected with the virus, and that's supposed to explain why they come back regardless of how they die. If that's the case, then why would a bite from a zombie be relevant? They're already infected, so they can't be double-infected.

But hey, at least they're not on a boring old farm anymore.


Posted 10:14 pm, 02/11/2013

Well....they DID have to stimulate their economy by improving the "infrastructure".


Posted 10:09 pm, 02/11/2013

here you go..

and how about that


Posted 10:05 pm, 02/11/2013

How about the half freshly paved streets in Woodberry? With the freshly painted white strips


Posted 9:41 pm, 02/11/2013

Where does Daryl keep getting bolts for his crossbow?


Posted 9:01 pm, 02/11/2013

how easily knives go into a skull... merle and 3 guys chase michon, she kills two then merle pushes the bayonet on his stumpy arm through a guy's forehead that has just died... it goes in like into butter


Posted 8:39 pm, 02/11/2013

Similar to the dog, how about that the doctor/vet thought a cure could still be found for people with flesh rotting away as they ate live animals.

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