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Walking Dead: things that bug me


Posted 8:31 pm, 02/11/2013

He was in denial

here in wilkes

Posted 8:26 pm, 02/11/2013

You know what bugs me? The last episode that played before the break... they go into the little cabin. There's a rotten dog in the floor. Then SURPRISE! There's a guy in the bed sleeping. He has not noticed his dead dog or that there are zombies all over. Was he in hybernation? That's just stupid...

White America

Posted 8:23 pm, 02/11/2013

Hard tail in the woods, not going to happen...Ever.... Triumph 650 1972... first year with disk brake on front...


Posted 8:23 pm, 02/11/2013

I love the walking dead so much


Posted 8:20 pm, 02/11/2013

My opinion, most rednecks don't give a crap what it is as long as it will roll and it is loud. Maybe that is all he had so he made do. Maybe there is some family history behind the bike, handed down maybe, er I don't know...


Posted 8:17 pm, 02/11/2013

Ok, now that I'm on something larger than my phone and can see the photo better, I see I'm wrong and right. The engine is clearly a triumph. But the bike is a complete Frankenstein with a mix of frame, tank, motor, and ape hanger bars. Combine all of those parts with the sound that is clearly being dubbed over the triumph motor and the question can't really be answered. However, it leaves the new question of what are the odds that a racist redneck like Merle would ride something with a Brit motor.


Posted 8:01 pm, 02/11/2013

Holey foley!


Posted 8:00 pm, 02/11/2013

If it is a triumph, they are clearly dubbing v-twin engine sounds over it


Posted 7:59 pm, 02/11/2013

I don't think it's a triumph. But even so, like RH said, those British bikes were worse than Harley's for leaking oil. And if it thought about raining, forget about them running.


Posted 7:55 pm, 02/11/2013

It's not real?


Posted 7:53 pm, 02/11/2013

Boo YaH, *****es!


Posted 7:52 pm, 02/11/2013


Last time, I promise LOL!


Posted 7:51 pm, 02/11/2013

Guess not, it was a really good pic.....Fail


Posted 7:50 pm, 02/11/2013

http://images.search.yahoo....aW1n?back= http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Ddaryl%2Bdixon%2527s%2Bbike%26n%3D30%26ei%3Dutf-8%26y%3DSearch%26fr%3Dyfp-t-701%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D10&w=650&h=457&imgurl=24.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_m98mmhPAty1roxy4do1_1280.jpg&rurl= http%3A%2F%2Ffake6pack.tumblr.com%2Fpost%2F30081486154%2Fi-like&size=300.2+KB&name=tumblr_m98mmhPAty1roxy4do1_1280.jpg&p=daryl+dixon%27s+bike&oid=72d06900be272870d8c745e53a202194&fr2=&fr=yfp-t-701&tt=tumblr_m98mmhPAty1roxy4do1_1280.jpg&b=0&ni=108&no=10&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=11jjr5i6r&sigb=13pv4e5u1&sigi=11nk8t2du&.crumb=CGH.pFrAjiW

Maybe ya'll.....can.....see...it.....now...?


Posted 7:50 pm, 02/11/2013

If you can see this pic, you can clearly see by the motor this is not a Harley. I'm really digging those knobby tires though!


Posted 7:45 pm, 02/11/2013

I believe it was a triumph...Even worse for oil leaking.


Posted 7:45 pm, 02/11/2013

Do you think it is real or something?

That's like questioning why they never go to the bathroom etc...or eat/drink more frequently.


Posted 7:44 pm, 02/11/2013

That bike is not a Harley, it is a Triumph or something, but not a Harley.


Posted 7:33 pm, 02/11/2013

I've been trying to get caught up on Walking. But season 2 had a couple inaccuracies that really bug me. The first was in the little church in the woods. It was a baptist church but had a catholic crucifix behind the pulpit.

But the one that really bugged me was when Darell was riding that old AMF Harley around shooting walkers. Everyone knows that you couldn't keep those things running that long at one time. Also, they keep siphoning gas out of vehicles, but where is darell getting oil for that bike?

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