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Walking Dead Fans


Posted 4:25 pm, 03/31/2014

And why has no one asked why the crossbow

bolts don't completely go through the rotted
zombie heads?

As much Dead bashing that is going on don't
you think we should throw in basic physics also?

Plot lines might be explained by conversations
occurring between characters not on screen.

Just as in real life people at Walmart talk about
things and you don't hear them on GW. :)

Although bone head moves by main characters
spouting bad lines are just


Posted 4:10 pm, 03/31/2014

where are all the mutated un-killable zombies or when are they gonna show up?


Posted 4:05 pm, 03/31/2014

FWIW, I completely agree with on this one, Fins. I was on board with the episode, right up until Rick and the gang jumped the fence together. I thought they were going to recon for a day or two! Or at the very least, leave Darryl and Mischonne there as backup while Rick and Carl went inside. That was just poor planning, and not in line with any of the characters.

Then, when they first approached the new people, the one guy said something like, "let me guess, Harold is on watch". But then, when they ran, there were suddenly dozens of people outside the fence? The same fence that Rick and the gang had just checked out, unnoticed?

Sorry, but that made no sense to me.

Now, I could accept that they were put in the same car as Glenn and his gang; maybe that's the car for newbies or whatever. But that last comment was so cheesy, I almost rewound to see if Bruce Campbell was in the car.

You guys should really pick up Jonathan Maberry's Patient Zero, and then his Rot & Ruin series. These are books, not graphic novels, and even though they're different stories from Walking Dead, they run parallel and make a lot of references (Patient Zero explains the first zombie, and Rot & Ruin is 15 years in the future). They also answer a lot of the questions you (Fins) have asked, like "why aren't the zombies rotting away".

Based on Rot & Ruin, I was completely convinced that Terminus was going to be like Gameland. I'm still kind of hoping that Beth is at Gameland (and wasn't being cooked on the grill by Mary).


Posted 3:52 pm, 03/31/2014

The ratings were great! Per TVLine...

The aforementioned Walking Dead drew 15.7 million total viewers, with 10.2 mil landing in the 18-49 sweet spot — both marking finale highs, but down a bit from the season opener's all-time bests (16.1 mil/10.4). All told, Season 4 was up more than 20 percent versus Season 3, averaging 13.3 million weekly viewers.


Posted 11:34 am, 03/31/2014

Also I've been resisting the comic, I fear it is probably better than the television series.

If mullet head is so smart he will figure out a way to escape the container, maybe he will build a battery operated torch that is fueled by farts.


Posted 8:20 am, 03/31/2014

I've never read the comic. And I still figured that much out any way.

Zombie, the "they're screwing with the wrong people" made me want to break the TV. Rick has been on the edge of a nervous breakdown and half beaten to death all season , and suddenly he is a bad ***.

Also, he had the sense to sneak around the back and see what's going on first, but still just walked in without actually figuring out what was going on. Also, how did the shooters suddenly get on the outside of the fence? The more I think about it, the more problems I see. Also, they just happened to all be of in the same train car when there were containers every where with people in them.

ron white

Posted 6:08 am, 03/31/2014

It was actually skeletal remains,ribs,spines,etc.,thought it was one of the better finales,as far as Beth goes,the fans on here probably read the comics,there will be another character showing up next season,he will have Beth!!!


Posted 4:45 am, 03/31/2014

Pineapple (view profile)

Satan, you've seen it already, haven't you?

nope just a wild guess


Posted 4:34 am, 03/31/2014

It comes back on Oct 12


Posted 12:43 am, 03/31/2014

I'll still watch the show because I love anything that is Zombie


Posted 12:42 am, 03/31/2014

The crazy that was keeping up the funeral home has her I suspect.

Anyway, that had to be the worst season finale of all time. "They're screwing with the wrong people"

Gimme a F'in break

Joseph T.

Posted 11:53 pm, 03/30/2014

what do you think happen to Beth?


Posted 11:52 pm, 03/30/2014

I didn't see the body parts. But, I suspected something like that with the other things that happened


Posted 11:51 pm, 03/30/2014

I saw the dead bodies looked like spines or something..I agree it did not end the way I thought it would but I still love the show..and I can't wait for the new season

Joseph T.

Posted 11:34 pm, 03/30/2014

I was hoping that they would tell us what happen to Beth.

Joseph T.

Posted 11:31 pm, 03/30/2014

anyone notice the seen with what looked like butchered human bodies during the gun fight?


Posted 11:17 pm, 03/30/2014

Well, that was almost not a complete turd storm. Just when you thought something was going to happen and be interesting, the whole thing went from 120 to 0 in about 3 seconds.

Time to delete this stupid show from my DVR and put it in the same category as Under the Dome.


Posted 11:15 pm, 03/30/2014

Satan, you've seen it already, haven't you?


Posted 10:36 pm, 03/30/2014

"Carol, Tyrese and Judith"...heres how thats gonna play out,carol and tyrese arrive at terminus they throw judith over the fence while the terminus gang goes psycho cannibal on judith ...carol and tyrese go into stealth mode and opens a can of super ninja whoop arse on the entire terminus compound killing everyone rescuing rick and the rest of their people...carol is the only one injured ,she breaks a fingernail
*rick and carl forgive them for sacrificing judith


Posted 10:05 pm, 03/30/2014

Slower-paced than normal finales, no major deaths, but the gang's back together. Minus Carol, Tyrese and Judith. I'm sure they will arrive at Terminus and be instrumental in freeing the Boxcar Children.

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