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Under The Dome

Lady Karen

Posted 10:43 pm, 01/19/2010

I am working on it. So far, so good...


Posted 1:05 pm, 01/15/2010

I got 2 copies for Christmas. Both hardbacks. I'm not sure what Walmart's price is, but I'd let one of mine go for $10. Never been opened.

I did read the other copy, and thought the story was okay. I've read pretty much every other King book and have liked some more, some less. I'm sure if you start looking for hidden meanings or globabl themes or stuff like that you'll find more to get your dander up one way or the other.

I wasn't put off by the length of the book. If you've read much King at all you know a lot of his stuff tends to be long. But for the most part he just takes the space he needs to develop the characters and tell the story completely.


Posted 4:08 pm, 01/12/2010

I finished Under The Dome. I was pleased with it. B4 I started I feared with the size of it King might suffered from diarrhea of the word processor which has occasionally happened. No guarantee that you'll like it, but I enjoyed it.


Posted 1:07 am, 01/02/2010

That's true local.


Posted 4:11 pm, 12/28/2009

I just hope he has a good ending. King has a way of drawing you in for 800 pages, only to let you down with a quick end. It sometimes seems like he gets tired of writing such a big story and then rushes the end.


Posted 12:58 pm, 12/28/2009

Shawn I am right there with you. I pick that book up and flip through it every time I go to walmart. I've read everything of his up to this book. As soon as someone reads it, please let us know if it's good. Thanks.


Posted 11:04 pm, 12/24/2009

Hey Shawn, just recieved it as a Christmas gift. I have 2 more books to read before I start that one. I hope it will be as good as the rest of his books. He is one of my favorites.


Posted 12:22 pm, 12/24/2009

Is this massive new Stephen King book worth it? I'm a huge fan of stephen king and this book keeps mocking me to buy it every time I walk into walmart. lol Anyway, does anybody have a good review of it with details included? Cheers. SDP

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