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Under The Dome sucks


Posted 3:49 pm, 09/22/2013

Why not crush his skull and destroy it instead of putting it in a jar and preserving it for the horseman to come back for?


Posted 3:36 pm, 09/22/2013

Thanks for the spoiler. I had to pause it


Posted 3:17 pm, 09/22/2013

I liked the part about the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse.. And how creepy the headless horseman looked with his mask on. It didn't make much sense to me either at first, about why he woke up after 250 years. But then as they went on with the show, finding out his blood was mixed with the horseman's made it seem a little less confusing.


Posted 3:16 pm, 09/22/2013

Another point with Sleepy Hollow. The first police force (known as The Peelers after Sir Robert Peel) was formed in London in 1829. The first police force in the US was formed in 1845. Before that the system relied on constables and their power to deputize citizens when needed. But at no time does Crane ever question what is the police. He asks the black girl if she was emancipated and when women got to wear pants, but asks nothing about police.


Posted 2:28 pm, 09/22/2013

I just started the pilot for Sleepy Hollow. They lost me in the opening credits when Crane woke up from the grave, nearly 250 years after dying, and had zero decomposition.

Btw, I think the black girl played a lesbian FBI agent in another show

Flush Obama

Posted 10:30 am, 09/21/2013

I wasn't impressed with the Sleepy Hollow pilot. The hot black chick is a real mismatch for the deputy character. And I'm sure later on she'll disclose that she's a lesbian. Hollywood really sucks along now.


Posted 11:12 pm, 09/20/2013

I liked the pilot of Sleepy Hollow, but when they showed future episodes, it appears that I may have to once again, move onto something else..!! :(


Posted 12:39 pm, 09/19/2013

Depends on the deal they agree to when they sell the rights. Usually once they sell the movie rights they have little to no say on the screen adaptation.


Posted 12:29 pm, 09/19/2013

If an author didn't like how a movie/miniseries was being portrayed could they walk and take the movie with them,or is it out of their hands and continues to be made


Posted 12:16 pm, 09/19/2013

I have had this discussion with many people before, Hollywood directors/producers only care about making a name for themselves and have stopped caring about making a good movie true to the books that we all know and love. Also another problem is that Hollywood only cares about selling out big name actors and actresses to make a movie successful. Perfect example of this is "World War Z", miles away from anything featured in the book and was a horrible film that made big bucks in the box office for the simple fact that they tacked on Brad Pitt's name on it.

If you want to watch a good show about domes, I recommend Big O! You will never see the ending coming!


Posted 11:24 am, 09/19/2013

Why don't film makers at least attempt to stay true to the book versions? Seems it would be just as easy to produce the movie keeping with the details in the book as to make changes.

Like in Misery. The best I recall in the book she whopped him with an axe??, but in the movie a big sledge hammer was used. What difference does a change like that really make??


Posted 8:58 am, 09/19/2013

I agree and i think there have been disagreements on how to interpret the books to movies.i think the shining is a decent movie but it varies from the book a lot.it has to b so frustrating to b able to write it so well but not be able to make it real in a movie.


Posted 7:56 am, 09/19/2013

Actually, most of the bad movie and TV versions of Kings books are projects where King tried to direct or produce. He is a great writer but doesn't understand video at all.


Posted 7:27 am, 09/19/2013

I think all in all they have always did very crappy remakes of kings books.there is not one that i have been happy with

Toshiro Mifune's Letter Opener

Posted 4:55 am, 09/19/2013

For those of you interested in Sleepy Hollow, don't fall for the hype.

I had to deal with that crap for 4 weeks while they filmed it a block from where I live.

Worst. Show. Ever.

book bug

Posted 4:39 am, 09/19/2013

It was a disappointing flop to me. I hate that too since it was filmed in NC.


Posted 6:46 pm, 09/18/2013

Under The Dome was underappealing. Lost interest after the first 3 episodes and went back to watching old NCIS reruns instead.

Yep. It was that bad.


Posted 6:14 pm, 09/18/2013

I'm almos done with walking dead. If they don't do something quick in this season, they get deleted from my DVR schedule too


Posted 6:13 pm, 09/18/2013

We still have one or two more episodes of Breaking Bad

Then Walking Dead, I hope they bring new characters on board.


Posted 6:09 pm, 09/18/2013

And a month ago I agreed. But I gave the show a chance through the end of the season to do something. The season is over and nothing happened, so good bye. And yes, I'm pissed I wasted time on it.

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