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Posted 11:43 pm, 12/23/2008

I don't understand what all the debate is about. These books were written as entertainment fot teens to young adults, not as great and mighty works of literature. If your thing is high brow lit, then why even bother with the Twilight series? I read a lot of everything, so naturally I tried these books. I enjoyed them and plan on seeing the movie as well. However, I will agree that as far as literature goes, no, they are not on the same level as Anne Rice or even Laurell K. Hamilton, but again I reiterate: they are written for todays teens!! Get over yourself and let it go. If someone can get a teen to read, more power to them!! What does it matter what they read? Don't be such a book snob! :)


Posted 6:44 pm, 12/17/2008

OH My G-- o loved alll of them i just finished the last one and i love it. I wish ti did not end. I have went to the authors website and have read some of Midnight un which is Edwards version of Twilight and i can't wait until it comes out.

kiss the rain

Posted 3:49 pm, 12/17/2008

nah, when i spoke of ignorance i was pretty much thinking about the idiots trashing wilkes central on the sports page.


Posted 11:09 am, 12/14/2008

I think to watch the movie you have to go with an open mind and you will have a good time We did. Some chacters are just perfect for what you imaged and some grow on you. By the credits I even liked Edward who I went in not thinking he could fill the shoes but He did a really good job. They are in pre production for New Moon now


Posted 11:07 am, 12/14/2008

Kisstherain, you called someone stupid and ignorant just because they don't LOVE LOVE LOVE the Twilight series... This person didn't call people who did like the series stupid, now did she? Her age shouldnt matter. You should at least give the person credit for TRYING to read Twilight.

On the other hand, way to go for finding something fun to read! When you find something that interests you, no matter what kind of book it is, you have set yourself up for lifetime enrichment. I always tell people that they need to read at least one classic and enjoy it. I'd like to suggest To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee... it was almost a life-changing book for me when I read it in high school.

kiss the rain

Posted 8:13 pm, 12/13/2008


i was def not the one doing the bashing. i was replying to someone who was bashing the books. i love all types of books and people should have the right to read whatever they want and it not get trashed. so why don't you reread what i said, and talk to the person way below trashing the series. thanks!


Posted 6:03 pm, 12/13/2008

I read the Twilight series and I loved them. I found them easy to read and enjoy. I could get lost in them and actually try to see myself there in Forks. I don't think that I will see the movie because I think that it could take away from my enjoying the book.


Posted 3:27 pm, 12/13/2008

kiss the rain,

You shouldn't bash anyone for having different tastes in literature. Yes, these books were made for young readers but there are many adults who take an interest in them as well. And then there are those that don't like them. It's reasons like these that there are different genres and different reading levels for different readers.

Rather than bash a reader though, perhaps you should have a discussion with them. That's kind of why I wish the book club would get going on here so people could discuss books.

kiss the rain

Posted 11:40 pm, 12/12/2008


i had to correct that.. it bothers me.

kiss the rain

Posted 11:38 pm, 12/12/2008

i don't enjoy the trashing of Twilight.
i typically don't read for fun, because i haven't found many books that interest me; however, i started and finished the Twilight series extremely fast. they're great. and the author is amazing too. and also, THEY ARE WRITTEN FOR TEENAGERS, like myself, i am fifteen. and i love the books. therefore, if you are, say.. twenty years older than the people the books were written for, you're negative input isn't needed. but if you're older and like them, i respect you.

i definitely did not have a username before this and have never been on this site, but i got on to read the trashing of wilkes central's student section. which was the most pointless argument.. ever. dub c's student section is nothing but bad ***. anyways, i encountered "Twilight" and just had to reply to the stupid person dissing the AMAZNG book.

many people on this website are ignorant, just saying.


Posted 6:31 pm, 12/12/2008

Okay I haven't read the third book yet because I am still waiting on it from amazon, but I have fallen into the Twilight trap! My husband sheepishly took me to see the movie tonight, because he knew how badly I wanted to see it even though he read so many horrible reviews and thought it would be awful. I'm relieved to say that he actually liked the movie.

THE BOOK WAS BETTER.. as the case usually is. I say usually because in my opinion, Lord of the Rings was better in theater than the books FOR ME. Alice in the movie is very near what I had imagined when I was reading the book. Oh well anyway....



Posted 5:25 pm, 11/30/2008

I just finished the last book. It's certainly not the best series I've ever read, but I needed something I didn't really have to think to much about and this was it. It was good entertainment and a break from the usual books I read. The movie follows the book almost exactly. The only major issue I had with the movie was that I felt like it very much became a movie about the color blue and all of its various shades and tints. I mean really...could there have been much more blue in one scene at one time! But other than that, I thought they did a good job.


Posted 4:15 am, 11/30/2008

I havent read the books but my sister has and she seems to enjoy them. I took her to see the movie last night and I have to admit it was pretty good. I wouldnt call it another Harry Potter, mostly because I enjoyed the Harry Potter series.

But if I was going to read something with vampires, I would read Anne Rice, or a Blade comic book.


Posted 7:16 pm, 11/29/2008

Ok who saw the movie???? Was it good. Did it follow the book? and was it only the first book? I guess I will be seeing it when it comes out on directv. I agree with lawdoll. I loved the Harry Potter books


Posted 6:40 pm, 11/20/2008

I loved them...but Harry Potter is still my favorite.


Posted 8:53 am, 11/14/2008

some girlfriends and I have already bought tickets for the movie.

If you go to Fandango.com you can watch 3 or 4 clips from the movie and it really seems to follow the book.

I know what you are saying about the movie - the book is 500 pages how are they going to fit all of that in 2 hours.


Posted 6:45 pm, 11/13/2008

I love the Jacob chacter more myself of course you hear more of him in the next book. She is writing a book through Edwards eyes It is called Midnight Sun we don't know yet if she is going to release it in book form. Go to her web site for more great perks. How many of you are going to see the movie next week I can't wait of course I'm going with an open mind as most movies can't live up to a good book. I think this is because in a book we all see things our way and the producer can't be in everyones head.


Posted 1:31 pm, 11/13/2008

So let's discuss the first book on here - Twilight

- Who else wants more of Edward and less of the Bella?
I found Edward to be so charming and his restraint is what made me like him even more. I found Bella to be very selfish.


Posted 9:31 am, 11/13/2008

Come to the new Book club meeting next Thursday night at 6:30 the Coffee House at Millers creek. We will meet once a month . Would love to have views like I have read here this morning. What a discussion it would be. This will be the first meeting so everyone will be new and opened minded.


Posted 7:32 am, 11/13/2008

See like you just said let us like what we like but don't call it garbage because you don't like. There must be something to it or it wouldn't have sold all those copies or been made into a movie. These books were designed for teengers. Nice to know some of us still can find our youth. Nuff said

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