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Posted 8:25 pm, 03/09/2014

After the show and the next 12 shows I will surly comment. I would hope a lot of other posters will enjoy posting their thoughts on the show.

Right now it is telling about the show and the show will start at 9 tonight.


Posted 8:17 pm, 03/09/2014

It is being simulcast on all fox owned networks at the same time. I pretty cool concept.

Note from GoWilkes: a portion of this post was removed for trolling.


Posted 7:31 pm, 03/09/2014

I love programs like this. I heard that they are going to re show this on other channel so keep watching for it.


Posted 7:29 pm, 03/09/2014

Rats I don't have that channel :'(


Posted 7:19 pm, 03/09/2014

It is on Now.


Posted 6:17 pm, 03/09/2014

youlie, Have you seen Cosmos before? It will have 13 episodes so for the next 13 weeks I hope to be wathing that movie.


Posted 6:16 pm, 03/09/2014

Makes ya want to visit Mars, doesn't it? ;)


Posted 5:30 pm, 03/09/2014

What time does it come on tonight? I will be watching on the National Georgraphic Channel. I sure don't want to miss it.


Posted 4:44 pm, 03/09/2014

I'm not aware of Tyson hosting a radio show. He regularly is a guest on a show I listen to. The same show also regularly has p**n stars, academy award winning actors, and sociopaths.

Personally, I would love to see a certain person that commented below actually watch this show and see her head explode from overload


Posted 4:30 pm, 03/09/2014

I think this show blows.


Posted 4:25 pm, 03/09/2014

Good gosh - "There are billions and billions of stars in the sky." Carl Sagan could put a snail to sleep.

Don't get me wrong I own a telescope and love seeing the stars but dang. I will give this new show a try.

Crypt with your post I guess you saw Carl Sagan. I can still hear Mr. Sagan say that line.


Posted 12:04 pm, 03/09/2014

I like 'Through the Wormhole' with Morgan Freeman too.

Used to watch Cosmos and look forward to watching it again.

Fins what radio show does he host?


Posted 10:37 am, 03/09/2014

Don't forget to watch this tonight.


Posted 4:54 pm, 03/08/2014

I never did catch the original w/ Sagan, but NDeT is one of my absolute favorites. Can't wait for it.


Posted 12:06 am, 03/08/2014

One interesting piece of trivia regarding this show. When the new host, Neil Degrase Tyson sent in his application for Harvard, it was dripping with his fascination of the universe. Because of his obvious fascination with the universe, the acceptance committee handed the application to Carl Sagan for review (Sagan was on the faculty at the time and served on. The acceptance committee). Tyson was invited to Harvard and interviewed by Sagan. At the end of the interview, Sagan removed a copy of one of his books from his desk and autographed it for Tyson.

Now, as Sagan's TV show is being brought back to the air decades later, it is to be hosted by one of his pupils.


Posted 10:16 pm, 03/07/2014

Billions and Billions


Posted 9:19 pm, 03/07/2014

I've got the DVR set.

wrestling Grandpa

Posted 8:58 pm, 03/07/2014

I did not get an opportunity to see it first time if it does come back will schedule my time to see it...thanks for heads up....


Posted 8:54 pm, 03/07/2014

It's coming on while the new TV show Resurrection Series Premiere.


Posted 5:34 pm, 03/07/2014

The original was in the early 80's and hosted by the late great Carl Sagan.

The host for the new version is very interesting and entertaining. He regularly does a radio show I listen to. He's very good

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