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To Kill a Mockingbird


Posted 8:45 pm, 02/08/2015

Harper Lee 'hurt and humiliated' by Mockingbird sequel controversy

The lawyer who acts for the author Harper Lee has spoken about the controversy surrounding a recently discovered sequel to To Kill a Mockingbird – and the feelings of the author of the American classic about plans to publish it.

Tonja Carter said Lee, 88, was "extremely hurt and humiliated" by reports she had been being duped by people who wanted to publish the work, Go Set a Watchman, without her approval.

In a series of emails and texts, Carter told the New York Times Lee was "a very strong, independent and wise woman who should be enjoying the discovery of her long lost novel. Instead she is having to defend her own credibility and decision-making".

Carter said she found the manuscript of Go Set a Watchman late last summer and at first assumed it was a copy of To Kill a Mockingbird.

"I was so stunned. At the time I didn't know if it was finished," Carter told the Times, recalling that she went to see Lee to ask if the novel was complete.

"Complete? I guess so. It was the parent of Mockingbird," Carter said Lee told her. Lee reportedly thought the manuscript had long been lost.

News of the discovery broke last week. The publisher HarperCollins said it planned to publish Go Set a Watchman later this year. Lee had not published another book after the staggering success of To Kill a Mockingbird, which was published 55 years ago.

Joy, however, was accompanied by scepticism in some quarters, with questions about whether Lee understood and approved of what was happening.

Friends and neighbours in the tiny town of Monroeville, Alabama, which is the basis for Mockingbird's Maycomb and where Lee lives in an assisted-living facility, spoke of the reclusive author being adamant that she never wanted to publish anything else and said she may not be able to stop others doing so.

Even a statement from Lee that she was "happy as **** with the reactions to Watchman" did not quell doubts. There was also talk that the author may have been left vulnerable to unscrupulous business associates since the death of her sister Alice last year, at the age of 103.

The New York Times also quoted Cynthia McMillan, a resident assistant who has taken care of Lee for several years and who said the author was "sharp as a tack". McMillan said: "She seems excited about [the publication of Go Set a Watchman], and it has given her something to focus on since her sister died."

Harper plans an initial run of two million copies of Go Set a Watchman, which follows one of the lead characters of To Kill a Mockingbird, the feisty Scout, as an adult.


~glitter and glamour~

Posted 9:31 pm, 02/04/2015

It's intriguing, to say the least...


Posted 9:23 pm, 02/04/2015

I think that this is probably actually Lee's work, since it was written before "Mockingbird"...even if it is a "sequel" of sorts. I think that her current attorney is taking advantage of Lee's advanced age, lack of real understanding of the world around her anymore (she had a stroke, and is nearly blind and deaf), and is using this as an opportunity to make some cash. Of course everyone is going to buy this thing; I will too.

But I think what it may wind up and prove is that someone GREATLY assisted her with her later, more brilliant work. I would say it is very possible that it was Capote. We shall see in July.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 9:19 pm, 02/04/2015

So, what do you think of the transcript found in the safe deposit box?


Posted 9:11 pm, 02/04/2015

Capote is rumored to have either written "Mockingbird" or to have had a significant hand in the writing of it.

Makes sense. He was a prolific, talented writer. Lee wrote one book, then never wrote so much as a haiku again. They had a falling out in the mid-60s (of course, Capote became quite the turd, but still).

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 9:09 pm, 02/04/2015

No, honey!

Is that a trick question?


Posted 9:04 pm, 02/04/2015

Did Capote write this one too?

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 8:24 pm, 02/04/2015

I can't wait either!


Posted 8:23 pm, 02/04/2015

Very exciting!


Posted 8:22 pm, 02/04/2015

Can't wait! Coming out this summer, correct?


Posted 7:40 pm, 02/04/2015

Me too!!!!


Posted 7:39 pm, 02/04/2015

Sequel or prequel?

Whatever...I'm in.

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