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Posted 12:06 am, 02/14/2012

LeslieSue (view profile)
Lol I dont wanna give out too much info on her only because if i do, i will get a call either from my gparents or her fussing at me lmao.
Shes from Atlanta and has lived there for as long as I can remember. She has beautiful curly hair when she lets it grow. She has had the short jamie lee style for quite a while now though. I think it has something to do with a friend she lost to cancer? Idk. I dont ask lmao. Last time I saw her was Thanksgiving in Lake Norman in 2010. I missed her at christmas this year bc i was about to have a baby and didnt travel.

She showed us backstage pics and videos from the first season that she personally took. It was interesting :)

And for this her info is not a secret she was born in Lexington Kentucky.


Posted 12:04 am, 02/14/2012

I think Rick killed those two guys, to show that he was in "control", so to say. He also knew that Hershel, would not want anyone else at the farm, and he knew the guys was bad from the start. I hope Glenn don't get killed off, I think maybe Maggie will end up leaving the farm, as I don't think they will be there to much longer. The old guy in the RV he can't get killed either he brings a balance to the group and he's not crazy like some are making him out to be, he knows the truth about Shane.


Posted 9:33 pm, 02/13/2012

No more of those!!!


Posted 9:29 pm, 02/13/2012

OMG Ron, was that a Spoiler?

ron white

Posted 6:02 pm, 02/13/2012

Rick and Shane will go at it later in the season and according to the comic book,Ricks son will kill Shane,good riddance,if he sacrificed poor Otis,he will do it again and also the blonde that slept with Shane,hope she gets it too,she whines too much!!!

Forever Cynic

Posted 6:02 pm, 02/13/2012

Shooting them after they pulled guns... sure. But you can't deny that Rick was the one provoking them.

I didn't hear him ask any questions. What if they had children and families, too? All the newcomers knew was that 3 men were drinking in a bar, and that they had a nice, safe farm somewhere (which implies plenty of food and water). For all they knew, these 3 guys could have been escaped convicts or child molesters.

Would it be completely unjustified to kill a couple of men if it meant protection and safety for your own family and children?

Of course, I'm sure that the story will unfold that Rick did the right thing because he's the hero, but still, he wouldn't have known that when he turned them away.

Daddy P

Posted 5:38 pm, 02/13/2012

Pixel those guys weren't lying about having others to protect. There really are others in their group and they show up in next week's show trying to get into the bar asking where their friends are. I still think Rick had to shoot them though. The guy was pulling a gun on him so he had to shoot him. The other one had already threatened to kill him so he had to take him out too.


Posted 5:34 pm, 02/13/2012

Some how I think the writers wanted Shane killing Otis to be justified. The kid would have died without the medical device.

Personally I think Shane is wacko, but maybe that's what it take to survive in the world they live in.


Posted 5:33 pm, 02/13/2012

Well let her know she has fans in the backwoods of Wilkes :)


Posted 5:31 pm, 02/13/2012

Lol I dont wanna give out too much info on her only because if i do, i will get a call either from my gparents or her fussing at me lmao.

Shes from Atlanta and has lived there for as long as I can remember. She has beautiful curly hair when she lets it grow. She has had the short jamie lee style for quite a while now though. I think it has something to do with a friend she lost to cancer? Idk. I dont ask lmao. Last time I saw her was Thanksgiving in Lake Norman in 2010. I missed her at christmas this year bc i was about to have a baby and didnt travel.

She showed us backstage pics and videos from the first season that she personally took. It was interesting :)


Posted 5:29 pm, 02/13/2012

I think Rick did the right thing.

Those guys were bad news, and lying about
having others to protect.

They gave themselves away I believe when
they said they were living out of their cars.

Plus Lardo asked about the farm having poon,
and that was a big red flag they had no good

C'mon man... you gots to protect ya poon!

Daddy P

Posted 5:28 pm, 02/13/2012

FC I thought the same exact thing. Dave Navarro was on Talking Dead last night (Talking Dead is a talk show about Walking Dead) and he was saying that Rick was justified in not letting them stay with them. BTW Dave seems like an *** who has no heart. But anyway, I think Rick was justified in shooting the guys, but I think he was too quick to refuse them help. Like you said he was just pleading his case to the farm owner to let them stay and they have some nutso violent people in their group ie Shane, Darryl so he can't realy argue that they didn't want to help them because they don't trust them. I may totally being a Pollyanna and would change my story if I was in that situation, but I just don't agree with Shane's killing Otis or all the kill or be killed stuff. Dave Navarro was like "kill em all. Kill Glen, Kill the old man with the RV and kill the guy who owns the farm." I'm like dang I wouldn't want to be in this situation with Dave Navarro. He's cold as ****.


Posted 5:24 pm, 02/13/2012

Cynic, the guy went for his gun, he had no choice but to shoot. (In the bar)

I agree that he was being hypocritical but he knew nothing about the two that just showed up at the bar.


Posted 5:21 pm, 02/13/2012

What's talking dead? Hmmmm

Forever Cynic

Posted 5:20 pm, 02/13/2012

I think you're right, DP. According to this -


Sophia went missing on day 67. Darryl finds the doll on day 70, and even though the timeline ends there, I think it was the next day that Shane unlocked the barn.

Darryl sure recovered quickly from the arrow, too.

FWIW, I thought that Rick was being a major hypocrite with the guys at the bar. It was just a few days ago that he was new to the farm and looking for a place to stay, and he was welcomed with open arms. But today, someone else is in the same position, and he's going to shoot them?

Daddy P

Posted 5:14 pm, 02/13/2012

They were talking about how good looking and sexy she was on Talking Dead last night and I was just not getting it. I find Carol to be more attractive and I usually don't like the Jamie Lee Curtis buzz look. Andrea is beats them all.


Posted 5:09 pm, 02/13/2012

Merle' brother called her Olive Oil LMAO

Daddy P

Posted 4:55 pm, 02/13/2012

FC one of the producers said last night that there would be more zombies later on this season. He said it would more than make up for the lack now. Personally, I don't really care for a lot of zombies. I know that defeats the purpose of the show, but I just don't like the tension. lol. I always hate watching zombie movies and have had nightmares about fighting off zombies. I like the storyline better and the drama within the groups of humans.

The reason they are not being careful about handling the zombies is that they have no idea that the disease may be airborne. As far as they know it is only spread through bites. The comic series does have them later finding out that it can be spread other than by bites so I guess this is the beginning of them figuring that out.

I also was thinking that about Shanes hair. Unless he is keeping it buzzed and we aren't seeing that it should be growing out. It has only been a short time since Carl was shot...he should still be in bed realistically. Sophia was missing about a week I think (is that right?) so in their time Carl would have been shot less than a week ago? Maybe I'm wrong and it's been several weeks, but I'm thinking the said at some point it had only been a week.

Laurie gets on my nerves too and she needs to put some meat on her bones. I know food is scarce but dang. Also, how did the dude from Philly in the bar stay so fat? You'd think he'd have dropped some serious pounds in the apocalypse.

Forever Cynic

Posted 4:40 pm, 02/13/2012

IMO, the show is getting pretty dull. I'm with OC - they need to leave the farm.

And where are all the zombies? The only zombies on the premiere at all were in the beginning, and there wasn't even a real attack then. Correct me if I'm wrong, but with the US having 300 million people, and only a few hundred are left alive, wouldn't there be millions upon millions of zombies wondering around?

BTW, why were they loading the zombies in the pickup and on the bonfire bare-handed? Especially the one guy that has a big infected gash on his forearm? That doesn't seem too wise.

And how is Carl running around like usual, when according to the story line, he was shot in the stomach with a high-powered rifle a few weeks ago? Shane's hair hasn't even grown out yet, but this kid has fully recovered.


Posted 4:33 pm, 02/13/2012

I like Glenn and would be pissed if he got axed.

He's kinda like the Gilligan of the show. They make him do the sht they don't want to do themselves.

Remember the walker in the well? They sent him down to put the rope around the walker.

Poor Glenn almost met his demise down there with a fat gobble zombie!

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