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The Sopranos - HBO


Posted 10:36 pm, 11/12/2013

H always had trouble fitting in. Wasn't that smart, a bit of a trouble maker but not fully committed to the part, ostracized to some degree by other kids for his family. It was all a set up for a melt down


Posted 10:36 pm, 11/12/2013

Emotionally, the kid was a perfect storm of each of his parents' worst qualities.


Posted 10:31 pm, 11/12/2013

Nah , I don't think that's it but you're right it was very well created


Posted 10:23 pm, 11/12/2013

Pressure from the potential life he knew he was facing. It actually was very well created.


Posted 10:21 pm, 11/12/2013

Gotta say one of my all time favorite programs .... BUT watching the re-runs I'm noticing what a LiL girl A.J. (the son) turned out to be... crying, panic attacks, lazy, then crying AGAIN, scared of his own shadow, complains about everything, his suicide attempt (which would've never worked) , couldn't get a girl and more crying...WTF ...why did the writers do that to him??? and discuss......

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