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The movie Lone Survivor!!


Posted 7:53 pm, 01/19/2014

It wasn't real accurate, but I enjoyed the movie.


Posted 7:52 pm, 01/19/2014

The Fins has formed his own opinion because he does not get out very often!


Posted 7:49 pm, 01/19/2014

Lone Survivor is an amazing movie! It is based on a true event that happened, and knowing that, I dont see how anyone could say that the movie sucked. Now I have never read the book, but I do know that the actual survivor helped produce the movie so it has to be somewhat close to what really happened or he wouldnt have approved of it. It brought me to tears several times. I think our country needs a wake up call when it comes to what our troops go through.


Posted 6:26 pm, 01/19/2014

Fins...would you by any chance work for DSS?


Posted 12:02 pm, 01/19/2014

Well, I went to see this movie. And it sucks. So many inaccuracies from Marcus's book that it was angering. Especially the battle scene in the village. That never happened. He was also in the village for five days before walking out and finding a ranger patrol that was searching for him.


Posted 10:09 am, 01/19/2014

I love Liberty Theater.


Posted 1:18 am, 01/19/2014

Whoops, should have been it actually cost $10.50. But a small drink was $5


Posted 1:17 am, 01/19/2014

Actually, it was $12.50. But I think the national average is somewhere around $12 or $14. I think when I was in Miami one trip I caught a movie that was around $16. Add a couple more bucks if it's 3D


Posted 1:06 am, 01/19/2014

12 bucks, is that what a movie cost?


Posted 12:52 am, 01/19/2014

Crap. Now I'm getting ads for Wahlbergs. Apparently they have a show on A&E


Posted 12:43 am, 01/19/2014


Posted 12:37 am, 01/19/2014

Stupid iPhone. That's Lone Suvivor


Posted 12:34 am, 01/19/2014

Marky Mark should have read the book before making that movie. Save your $12


Posted 11:27 pm, 01/10/2014

Will do, prechate your time sir!


Posted 11:24 pm, 01/10/2014

I would try a book store. Or maybe an online retailer that specializes in books


Posted 11:23 pm, 01/10/2014

I sure will man, i would love to read that book. Where would i get a copy of it at?


Posted 11:21 pm, 01/10/2014

That,s awesome and hard as crap man, i know that movie makes a man proud to be a veteran!!!!!!


Posted 11:21 pm, 01/10/2014

I don't know why Marcus let them do it. You should pick up a copy of the book and read it. If you know anything at all about BUD/s, then you can skim the first 125 pages. It was clearly very therapeutic for him to write. You can tell it allowed him to vent a lot of anger and guilt


Posted 11:18 pm, 01/10/2014

oh okay, disreguard that last question


Posted 11:18 pm, 01/10/2014

There was nothing in the book about a compound fracture. They were shot up and kept going, but according to his own book, that is Hollywood making changes.

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