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Posted 4:55 am, 06/06/2006

Oh my goodness! I don’t know why this book had such an impact on me, but it did. Allie, like you said, it was one of, if not the best, books I have ever read. I am so glad I was not alone in reading it on Gowilkes, but I really hate that more didn’t read it since it was such a great book. Thank you for sharing it with me.

The book gives an inside, personal look into life in Afghanistan. It brought me a closer look into a society that I didn’t understand. Looking into the Taliban’s evil face and the torment that they have been bringing to Afghanistan, showed me just how evil they are to their own countrymen..

Amir’s guilt and jealousy made him into a man who had to do the right thing. I could not help but love and admire him, even after being disgusted by him at times. The book covers so many areas such as religious and social traditions, envy, love, loyalty, pedophilia, torture, depression and redemption, that it takes you on an emotional roller coaster that you want to get off, but you know you can’t.

There are only a few books that bring me to tears at the ending, but this one did. It made me melancholy, happy and hopeful. I realize that interest in the book club has waned, but even if one person in the future happens upon this thread, reads this book and it evokes emotions or reactions such as mine or the Allie’s, then the book club is still serving it’s purpose.


Posted 7:08 pm, 06/05/2006

This has to have been one of the best books I have read in a very long time. I am really glad it was suggested! What a wonderful eye opener on many different levels. I love how the book was written, I can't wait for his next novel!

I really apprecaited how in the beginning of the novel Amir and Hassan were portrayed as your typical kid. I believe this was important because it made them seem more real. The love shown in the families made the families seem like yours or mine. That was important to me because I was able to relate to them more. They were portrayed in a way different from what we typically think Afganistan people. They were jsut like you or me.,

I really liked and disliked the character Amir. I believe in the end of the book he redeemed himself.

This was an awesome read that I definitely reccomend!


Posted 2:59 am, 06/03/2006

Well after reading more I have started to love Amir again. I guess a woman has the right to be fickle and change her mind. Great book. Honestly one of the best I have read in awhile.


Posted 4:32 am, 06/02/2006


Hassan was Amir's brother. I thought he was, but I just hate the way this is unfolding....no reunion, no forgiveness. It is a great book, but very melancholy. :(


Posted 8:54 pm, 05/30/2006

SPOILER!! Don't read if you aren't past page 100 in book.

I am really loving this book. It has made me think more than any book we have read thus far. The feelings Amir has had and his actions have broken my heart at times and enraged me at others.

He seems to be a purely selfish, narcissist who only is concerned for himself. He tries to do the right thing but he never does really. He is so worried about his father loving Hassan more than him that his jealousy seems to make him paranoid. The reason I say this is because I felt so sorry for Amir at first and thought his Father was terrible, but then after they leave their country and Hassan is no longer around his Father is wonderful to him. Now this could be that his Father is being nice to him because Hassan is out of the picture (by the way, I have the feeling that Hassan is really his son instead of Ari's) or it could be that his Father was treating them both good all along and Amir was jealous of any attention given to Hassan.

I am sure some of you reading this may have a totally different look on the book. I go back and forth feeling sorry for Amir to disliking him terribly. I will probably like him again tonight. The different point of views we have on the book and the different things we get from it are what is making me love it and it is a perfect book to discuss because of those various perceptions. Let me know what you are thinking.


Posted 4:45 pm, 05/27/2006

I am so glad we chose to read this book! I am really enjoying it!


Posted 2:15 am, 05/26/2006

So far the book is really interesting.


Posted 5:41 pm, 05/24/2006

Just wanted to let you all know I was at the Wilkes Library today, I got a copy of the Kite Runner and they still had two remaining copies. Just a heads up in case someone wanted to read but didnt have the extra cash, etc...


Posted 12:23 am, 05/18/2006

Happy reading!!

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