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"The Amazing Spiderman"


Posted 12:05 pm, 07/04/2012

Ok, I saw the movie last night and here is my review...I will try to leave out any spoilers...although not much to spoil...

Ok, the list of things I liked was about as long as the list of things I didn't like. I was not too impressed with they way they made the Lizard look. However they nailed Gwen Stacy! I have mixed feelings about Spiderman. I hate how they tried to make him more of a "Skater punk" and less of a science geek the way he was suposed to be. I also hated who they got to play Aunt May as her look was COMPLETELY wrong. The story line is still horribly wrong compared to the comics as well. You would think for a re-boot they would actually get it right but I guess not...although on the positive side there were a lot of really awesome PRACTICAL effects in the movie and not as much CGI as the first Spiderman movie. It also had some really good action sceens in it and despite it's PG-13 rating, I felt that it wasn't TOO bad for the younger spider-fans. But overall, the short and sweet of it is simply this...trade Gwen for Mary Jane and Lizard for Gobblin and you have pretty much the same movie as the first Spiderman film. And even the teaser at the end was rather disapointing but Stan Lee's camio was actually very funny. Worth seeing once but I probably wont be back to the theater to see it again.


Posted 7:08 pm, 07/02/2012

Yeah, I'm already seeing tons of problems with this new flick...they can't even get the costume right...although this version is very cool looking, it's not the clasic one most fans love!


Posted 4:07 pm, 07/02/2012

Hollywood seldom follows canon and the true believers are left heartbroken. Kinda like LOTR: The Two Towers. Haldir didnt die at Helms Deep. He wasnt even at Helms Deep!

And who in the world would intentionally want a spider bite?


Posted 11:55 am, 07/02/2012

Like hollywood gives a snot about comic book cannon, if they did then I think this movie would be a lot better. I've already heard that people who got to see advance screenings don't like it. I'm still excited to see it just because I love Spiderman so much but I'm dying because why in the holy snot are they trying to say that the "Spider Bite" was no accident. It was tottally an accident!! IT was no set up! UGG


Posted 10:51 am, 06/30/2012

What I would like to see is Spider-Man from the beginning, with Liz Allan and Betty Brant being the romantic interests, and all the characters looking as if Ditko drew 'em. I'm not that well-versed in the Spidey movies, but it occurs to me that one of the reasons for featuring Gwen is, of course, that she could be killed off without violating the comic book canon.


Posted 10:37 am, 06/30/2012

Gwen Stacy was Spidey's first love. Her character was killed off in 1973 and Mary Jane has been his lady since.

The sad part of it is that Spiderman actually killed Gwen trying to save her. He caught her in webbing as she fell from the George Washington Bridge. The sudden stop caused her neck to break.


Posted 11:43 am, 06/29/2012

So I know this movie is going to be a total reboot, obviously becasue it has Gwen Stacy instead of Mary Jane but how accruate do you think this version will be compared to the comics? I can already see a few things wrong with the short trailors that are out now....one, while Peter always had a crush on Gwen, the two never had an acutal relationship and two Gwen seems to know that Peter is Spiderman...that's wrong too. Dont get me wrong, the Lizard is my favorite Spidey villain and I'm stoked that Dr Connors will be getting some action in this flick but why in the world did they make the lizard nude? I mean, in the comics he has a trenchcoat and pants for goodness sake! He just looks weird without them. Also they are trying to make it seem like Peter getting bit by the spider wasn't an accident....it totally was an accident! I don't understand how Hollywood can get it wrong when the story is physically there in front of them...WHY HOLLYWOOD WHY?! Granted, I'm still going to see the movie just because I love just about anything to do with Spiderman but I've got mixed feelings about how good it's going to be. Any other true belivers want to share their thoughts?

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