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Posted 10:51 pm, 11/12/2008

Looks like I am pretty late on replying, but JUST IN CASE the original poster checks back on this....

You cannot go wrong with books by S E Hinton. They all really do teach nice lessons. My favorite book by her was "That was Then, This is Now." If I'm not mistaken, she wrote it when she was 16! I would actually recommend it for 13-15 years age.

Check this site out.

Team Edward

Posted 8:56 pm, 11/10/2008



Posted 2:46 pm, 10/31/2008

Twilight Series By Stephenie Meyer
Sarah Dessen is a good author
The Last Exit to Normal- Michael Harmon
Audrey Wait! ...don't remember the author
Summer Boys Series- Hayley Abbot
that should be a good start


Posted 4:42 pm, 10/21/2008



Posted 10:06 am, 10/13/2008

I just thought of another series that is perfect for this age group. The author is Scott Westerfeld. It is a 3 book series starting with UGLIES. Futuristic and entertaining books and they even have a really good moral to them. I like them and my daughter likes them....she was 15 when I got them for her. UGLIES, PRETTIES, SPECIALS. I don't know if the library has them or not.


Posted 6:22 pm, 10/06/2008

Ohh the twilight series for sure, how could you say no the blood thursty vampires and warewolves fighting and a girl torn between the two enimes. she can either be forever with her true love edward or be friends till death with her best friend Jacob, but not both. READ IT FER SURE!!


Posted 5:58 pm, 09/20/2008

i loved lurlene mcdaniel. she had such good books. i think i read every one i could find.


Posted 12:22 pm, 09/20/2008

princesshouse...I'm soon to be 32 and I loved Lurlene McDaniel books as well! You can't go wrong with her books!


Posted 11:15 am, 09/19/2008

Don't forget Harry Potter. Me and both my girls have read all of them and enjoyed them. Also the American girl series has gotten a mystery series for the older kids, they are bigger chapter books and they go with each one of the American girls in the series.


Posted 11:08 am, 09/19/2008

Has she read any of the Little House books? They go beyond Laura as a child and they also have the books about Laura's mother, grandmother and great grandmother as children and as they get older. My daughter is reading the one about Caroline now and she loves it. It is the one where she meets Charles and they fall in love.


Posted 10:38 am, 09/19/2008

the sweet valley high series were very popular when i was a teen. i still see them at the used book stores and at the library


Posted 1:16 pm, 09/13/2008

i loved the book chicken soup for the teenage heart when i was younger, wrinkle in time was pretty cool, their all kinds of chicken soup books for the pregnant woman for the middle aged woman all kinds of stuff,....thoose are for girls though....my other favorite was a book im not sure if you can find it anymore it was called the thing that wouldnt die....wich is about mysterious stuff like legends the legend of mermaids and dragons and mystical creatures it was really good, i read alot of books but i think that the RL steins were best but thats mostly pre teens


Posted 2:57 pm, 09/10/2008

Try some of Christopher Pike's books....if they are into mystery and suspense. His books are mild so they don't scare the life outta the kids but, still suspenseful.

Daddy P

Posted 1:09 am, 09/08/2008

I loved Judy Blume books when I was a teen. Seventeen was a great book.


Posted 8:09 pm, 09/07/2008

Don't overlook the classics, like: Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, Great Expectations by Charles dickens, and Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, and Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen. Not only are the story lines pure, they are also interesting, entertaining, didactic, and good vocabulary builders. If your reader likes a good scare, pick up Tales of the Macabre by Daphne DuMaurier -- there's a copy at the public library. (She also wrote Rebecca, and Hitchcock did the movie to that.) Just one more: The Little Prince, by Antoine du Saint Exupery -- a sweet little piece that can be read on many levels. Have fun!


Posted 1:54 pm, 08/20/2008

Trixie Beldon series was written by Julie Campbell. They were reissued in 2004.


Posted 8:57 am, 08/18/2008

I like the Stephanie Meyers Twilight series as well. Also consider the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld. Good reads...all.


Posted 3:26 am, 08/12/2008

um chicken soup for teenage soul


Posted 1:27 pm, 08/08/2008

If you can find them, there was a series of "Trixie Beldon" books, not sure who the author was though. They are mystery books aimed at teenage girls. Most of the scenarios take place in the woods or on camping trips.


Posted 11:10 pm, 07/22/2008

I totally agree about the Stephanie Meyer books. I've read all three of the Twilight Saga so far and with each one I fall more in love. I believe they are great for all ages. Enough innocence and romance to keep any girl or any age enchanted.

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