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Stephen King's Thoughts on Stephanie Meyer


Posted 8:42 am, 04/13/2009

Stephen King has a right to express his opinion just like everyone else. I agree with hope, he told what he thought and didn't try to sugar coat it!


Posted 1:56 pm, 04/07/2009

I don't really like either author, not my "style', but I do have respect for Stephen King for stating his opinion. Too many times when people are asked for their opinion, it's a diplomatic, wishy-washy answer. Why shouldn't he be entitled to his opinion? It's not like teeny-boppers are going to stop reading her books because Stephen King doesn't think she's a good writer!

Miss Scarlett

Posted 1:36 pm, 04/07/2009

I think Stephen King gave his opinion as a truly profession writer. He has been around a long time, is incredibly successful and respected as a writer. I read the Twilight series and really enjoyed them. Like Aunt Sus, I wasn't crazy about Bella either. Stephanie Meyer isn't a "great" author, but I did enjoy her books and would read something by her again. Stephen King is a great author, but I stopped reading his books for quite a few years just because I didn't the kind of stories he was writing. I recently read "Duma Key" and really enjoyed it.


Posted 3:06 pm, 03/12/2009

We all like them no matter how her writiing skills are and sounkds like King was jealous of her sucess


Posted 2:33 pm, 03/12/2009

I agree with Stephen King. If you examine the first chapter of Twilight, you can see that her sentence variety is not very good. The words "I", "me", "it", "when", and "didn't" are used many times, a mistake common with amateur writers.


Posted 7:47 pm, 03/02/2009

I've read all of the Twlight series and loved them all. I just finished reading The Host, which is Stephanie Meyer's last book. It was a lot different from the Twlight series, but very good. I think she is a great writer!


Posted 10:07 am, 02/26/2009

Oh, and I read all 4 books, and the first half of Edward's version that's supposed to come out soon, and the books get worse and worse. It's obvious that she is losing attention, and the last book had my mind wondering else-where as it seriously lacked what the first two did. The first movie wasn't good if you actually read the book, and since the books get worse...the movies can only get worse.


Posted 10:03 am, 02/26/2009

Stephenie is just a fad right now, it's as simple as that. If you have even bothered reading anything composed by her outside of the Twilight series you would know just how bad she can be.

Twilight is just the trend right now, and it won't last that much longer. It's already slowing down, and that's right after the first movie came out and and a few months before the second comes out. Her legacy is short-lived, and all of the girls will find a new romance series to cry over and Meyer will be forgotten.


Posted 3:38 pm, 02/18/2009

I enjoyed the series, but I'm not going to confuse them with "Fountainhead" or "The Great Gatsby" either. I dont think she had a great underlying theme she was trying to get actoss with an intentional purpose. (Unless it was -if you can capture the teeny-bopper market you can retire early ;) There were a couple of times (mainly in the last one) that I wondering exactly where she was going with this. And the final scene seemed a little anti-climatic to me but As long as you accept them for what they are, marketable pulp fiction you'll enjoy them. Stephen King was probably just upset that her book sales were blowing his away. He's no Mark Twain himself.

Aunt Sus

Posted 7:47 pm, 02/15/2009

I am with blackdeath. I don't think she writes very well, but it doesn't mean you can't enjoy the story. I wasn't that crazy about Bella, probably because she reminds me of how self-centered I was at her age. Nevertheless, I couldn't stop until I'd read them all.


Posted 12:48 pm, 02/12/2009

this is an interesting topic, i really didn't think that Stephanie Meyer was a great writer, her language was very basic (mainly due to the fact she was portraying to a young audience) but her approach was great. She knows how to draw you in, with small hooks, and once you pick up her books, you CAN'T stop. as with Stephen King, i've only read a couple, but it's very easy for me to get side tracked, but that's just my opinion. (I loved the twilight series, btw lol)


Posted 6:27 pm, 02/08/2009

Well most authors can't say they had all there books on the top 100 books for the year but she did.
I find this is great so as Kelly said who cares.


Posted 4:30 pm, 02/08/2009

Who cares what Stephen King says, I am really enjoying the Twilight Saga and that's all that matters to me. He's probably a little bit jealous, Meyer has swept the literary world by storm (well, and vampire & werewolves too!)


Posted 4:02 pm, 02/08/2009

I have found some of King's books I didn't like but I sure never judged the next book he wrote by the last. I can't beleive a writer would do this to another that is so wrong.


Posted 6:40 pm, 02/06/2009

Maybe he doesn't like her writing because the style is extremely different from his. Yeah, I do think that Stephanie struggled with writing in the second book, but she still did a better job than I could ever do with a book.


Posted 4:50 pm, 02/06/2009

I saw this and it really upset me. I have always loved to read Stephen King's works, but who does he think he is to say that about someone. Just because she doesn't use a lot of offensive language or sex, this is supposed to make her a bad writer? I may not read another of his books again. I thought it was refreshing not to have to skip words or worry that my son might read something he shouldn't if I left the books lying around. Shame on Mr. King.


Posted 11:37 pm, 02/04/2009

In an interview with USA Weekend, the bestselling author compared Meyer with J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series.

According to Stephen, “Both Rowling and Meyer, they’re speaking directly to young people… The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can’t write worth a darn. She’s not very good.”


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