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Stephen King Fans & sci fi lovers.


Posted 1:15 pm, 01/17/2012

I read this book as well. I liked it but it did start off sort of slowly and was not what I expected. With King, that happens more often than not. What I was expecting was to see the results of saving JFK on future society. That wasn't what happened. Didn't make it a bad book just not wht I expected. Found the book thought provoking at least. Definite suggestion to read. Agree with lovepuppy


Posted 6:04 pm, 01/13/2012

I'm reading it too...got it for Christmas!

It's kinda slow going for me as work interferes with my reading time.

This is good news to hear...


Posted 1:55 pm, 01/13/2012

His new book 11/22/63 is a must read for all sci-fi fans, history buffs and others who love a good mystery. He has really outdone himself with this one. I have read a lot of Stephen King books over the years, but I can't say I have read them all. My mama passed away in October and she was a definite fan of his and owned his entire collection which she passed onto my son. I wanted to keep his collection complete so I bought him the new novel for Christmas. It is very good and one of the best that I have read without being gory. Although we know a lot of his books deal with murder and the likes, Mr. King has made this one do that without making the murderer out to be the bad guy, necessarily. Check it out if you haven't already.

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