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Posted 1:58 pm, 03/02/2009

I am glad to finally know there are other Jacob fans out there. I thought I was the only one. I enjoyed the books and I think she could make a whole new series from the Quilites. I didn't enjoy the movies as well as the books but I never do, the books are always better, but it was great to see it on screen. I am looking forward to New Moon and then there will be even more Jacob fans!


Posted 1:07 pm, 03/02/2009

It is Sci Fi and totally different from the Twilight series the first chapters are slow but important. I think it would make a agreat TV series myself.


Posted 9:34 am, 03/02/2009

I thought the first two books were the best. I didn't care much for the last two. I had to make myself finish reading them. I did get really annoyed about how pathetic Bella was in the 2nd book. And by the time you get to the 4th book you can pretty much tell what is going to happen....something bad will happen but everything works out in the end.

I haven't read the Host. I heard it was sci fi.


Posted 10:05 pm, 03/01/2009

MD what do you read then and would you recommend?


Posted 10:04 pm, 03/01/2009

I almost didn't read it but once you got throught the first chapters it was awesome. But you have to have those chapters to understand what happens later in the book once she gets where she needs to go it is great I loved it more than Twilight series.


Posted 8:12 pm, 03/01/2009

Kelly, you're wrong. She let some friends read part of it to tell her what they thought, and someone leaked it online. She now has SEVERAL chapters on her page from the book for everyone to read so they don't feel bad about reading 'illegal' material.

And I have the Host, but my girlfriend told me it was really bad and my time spent reading it is too valuable at this time to take a risk on it now.


Posted 7:58 pm, 03/01/2009

Well if you guys MD and back disliked them what did you think of the Host?


Posted 4:57 pm, 03/01/2009

Have you guys read about how someone broke into Stephenie Meyer's home and stold her manuscript for Midnight Sun?

I think a book about the Quillettes and that whole bunch would be great, what do you think? During the second book I was really wanting Bella to end up with Jacob. There are so many great possibilites with all the characters. I'd like to read a series just on the Volturi.


Posted 4:27 pm, 03/01/2009

The fourth was terrible. I believe the series went from best to worse, and I was only able to watch the first 45 minutes of the movie until I head to leave with any type of respect for the saga....so I don't see the other movies being any better.


Posted 3:59 pm, 03/01/2009

personally i thought the 4th book was the worst of them all. She started out awesome, and from twilight to eclipse the story line was quite unpredictable, you knew how the basic story was likely to end, but didn't know how it was gonna happen. Breaking Dawn, was too perfect, everything was predictable, and they were happily ever after, it's kinda gay. haha. i was hoping they had more complications, like an awesome final battle, where everyone died, except for bella and edward, or some crazy epic ending, but that didn't happen lol.


Posted 11:46 am, 03/01/2009

I know alot of people don't like them but I loved them I can't wait for them to make them all into movies if you have read the books to me it makes them morei nteresting I think the 4th book will make the best movie


Posted 5:28 pm, 02/27/2009

Here's a neat link for Twilight.


Posted 4:47 pm, 02/27/2009

oops, nclady I didn't see your post before I wrote mine. Yeah, I really adore Jacob and his loyalty to Bella and her father. I just can't stand the thoughts of Stephenie not continuing their story so we can she how quickly Renessmee matures and then falls hard for Jacob!!


Posted 4:25 pm, 02/27/2009

I think another saga could form easily from the Jacob and Renessmee relationship. Now how awesome would that be? I really want to see how Jacob's imprint on her grows and changes.


Posted 4:17 pm, 02/27/2009

Well I find myself a wanted Bella to be with Jacob. From where the 3rd book left off and waiting a year for 4th I wanted Jacob to be with her. I know why it looked like he sort of imprinted on Bella but wouldn't it be werid to have been naked with your son inn law?


Posted 4:06 pm, 02/27/2009

I read them all and I would love to discuss them.


Posted 3:53 pm, 02/27/2009

Ok nclady, it seems atleast you and I would like to discuss all the books. Where would you like to start?


Posted 11:52 am, 02/27/2009

On the author web sites they do like you did call it spoilers so you have the option to not read this if you want. I would love to discuss them and I'm sure others would too.


Posted 11:45 am, 02/27/2009

I'd like to discuss the Twilight Saga on here with those folks who have read the books, but I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't read or those who are currently reading. What's a girl to do?

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