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'Sons of Guns' canceled after star Will Hayden arrested for repeatedly raping minor

wrestlers Grandpa

Posted 5:31 pm, 08/28/2014

once this is proven to be a fact...take this poor excuse for a human being needs to be taken and be kept away from all humans...the victim needs to be give all the treatment necessary to go on with her life and that will be a long time...the person who committed this act is to sell all his possessions and pay for the treatment....after all the court process be placed in a jail away from others and never have contact...a small price to pay for his acts.....


Posted 4:55 pm, 08/28/2014

Like Marines or not, their attitude and "bullyness", along with other branches of our military, play a huge part in our freedoms to demonize them as doing such. Our military needs to be mean, and needs to be bullies. I wouldn't want their attitudes to be any other way.


Posted 4:41 pm, 08/28/2014

Sounds like Will Hayden will get a lot of "rape episodes" while in jail. Hope that POS dies there!


Posted 4:38 pm, 08/28/2014

Fins that has to be the dumbest post of the day.

Didn't you read it? Hah


Posted 4:20 pm, 08/28/2014




Posted 4:15 pm, 08/28/2014

Some people are really out there. I bet there are even people that read your posts


Posted 4:11 pm, 08/28/2014

I can't believe anyone watched that BS anyway.


Posted 4:10 pm, 08/28/2014

Are y'all not smart enough to figure out that the "new ideas" and the drama between the characters, especially Vince and Chris was all scripted or edited for TV? The last season had such a fake vibe it was awful. And just because he wasn't seen on TV with a girlfriend of wife doesn't mean anything. Remember, it's a TV show and they have to get permission from everyone to put them on TV and possibly compensate them. There was never any mention of a second daughter either.

But that doesn't have anything to do with the rape charges. Interesting though that no reports say anything about molestation charges. Does Lousiana not have laws against molestation? If they are willing age doesn't matter? Any way, even when factoring the editing into it, he always did seem like he had some issue. They made it work the first season, but as time went on he was looking more and more off balanced


Posted 4:06 pm, 08/28/2014

Antithesis like 168 amax said marines , gun shop owners and gunsmiths are some of the best people you will ever meet. I don't know where you got your information from about marines and gun owners being bullies but nothing could be further from the truth. You liberal morons start rumors like this with absolutely no evidence to back it up !!!

First off, not a liberal by any stretch of the imagination.

Second off, if you were to read my post, I said that this was the stereotype and that I'm sure it didn't apply to everyone.

If you're simply not familiar with the stereotype, this was the first link I found when searching Google for "stereotype marines":



I have heard that they are 'boneheads' and are not very bright... I also heard that they think they are 'all that' and pick fights.


Marines are stereotyped by society as being ignorant. They are also believed to love killing and they hate on anyone that is not in the Marines.


Marines are typically stereotyped as bloodthirsty, aggressive, and not very bright.


I've heard that other branches of the military consider the Marines very loyal , hard fighting and hard working.... but not too bright. Kind of like a dog.


Marines I see as two breeds, Rottweilers or Dobermans, because Marines come in two varieties, big and mean, or skinny and mean.
- RAdm. "Jay" R. Stark, USN; 10 November 1995

Fleece Johnson

Posted 1:40 pm, 08/28/2014

He Might want to change his name to Wilma and have a tattoo above his arsehole that says OPEN FOR BUSINESS Because his arse is going to get torn up in prison. no one likes a Pedo

to be or not to be

Posted 12:23 pm, 08/28/2014

Joseph T. (view profile)

Posted 6:07 am, 08/28/2014

I read the link and it seems that he has been doing this a long time

I pray that his victims get justice.

Joseph T.

Posted 6:07 am, 08/28/2014

After my last post here I went back to the other forum and some one posted a screen shot of what is suppose to be his oldest daughters facebook page. She says that she has been in hiding for a week and that her little sister was not the first and that she had hope her dad had gotten better. If this is true it sounds like this as been going on for a while.

Here it is what do your think?



Posted 4:05 am, 08/28/2014

Antithesis like 168 amax said marines , gun shop owners and gunsmiths are some of the best people you will ever meet. I don't know where you got your information from about marines and gun owners being bullies but nothing could be further from the truth. You liberal morons start rumors like this with absolutely no evidence to back it up !!!


Posted 1:31 am, 08/28/2014

Im a single dad without a mom involved at all in my beautiful lil girls life just me and her. Every mourning when i wake her i see not only the sun but my whole universe rise with her eyes as she wakes. If he did do this there isnt a fire hot enuf or slow enuf to do justice for the child. I would be happy to strike the match

Joseph T.

Posted 11:28 pm, 08/27/2014

Whoa I just read this on another forum I am a member of.

From Glenn Flemming-

"OK Im going to break my silence on all the stuff that's been happening. This will be my FINAL comments on it.
Also be prepared, I don't have to watch what I say anymore because of a TV show.

First off Im going to go with innocent till proven guilty because that is the law of the land BUT there is a ton of evidence out there. Im privy to a little more info than most of yall are and I can tell you its ****ed up. Like I don't even want to know what I know ****ed up.
Ive known who the accuser is for a while now and I can tell you 100% I believe her. She isn't looking for cash she is just doing whats right. If someone out there still thinks the ex wife is trying to get back or some silly **** like that you can stop that **** now.

Did will hayden jumpstart my career? Yep sure did. So did the folks at Discovery and Jupiter productions. I appreciate what they did. And to Discov and Jupiter and most of the guys at RJF, I had a ton of fun with it Thank you.

Now to the point at hand, this may sounds harsh but ya know what **** it. If he is guilty hang him. From the tallest tree, with piano wire.
I consider the folks I was on the show with my friends and I will always be there for em and I hate what the family is going through but remember one egotistical **** did this. Im sure he can find one bullet"


Posted 11:08 pm, 08/27/2014

No such thing as a former marine, once a marine always a marine. The ones I know especially the combat vets are some of the kindest people you will ever meet. Ditto for the gun smith buddies i have. Hayden is a horses arse. And I wouldn't let him work on a daisy red ryder, he would put his eye out. All the explosions and BS on that show justs make the rest of us in the gun culture look like rambos. I have meet some of the greatest folks in the world in the shooting sports here and in other states and even a bunch of guys from Australia.


Posted 10:15 pm, 08/27/2014

I don't mean to stereotype here, but he's a gun shop owner, gun smith, and former Marine. These all have a stereotype of being brash bullies, so it's not a shock to hear about him treating weaker people (like a young girl) like this.

I'm not saying that ALL gun shop owners, gun smiths, and Marines are innately child molesters. But there's a stereotype here that seems to fit.


Posted 10:09 pm, 08/27/2014

That proves to me people commit evil deeds like this for reasons other than what would seem like an obvious reason to normal people. I have heard that rapist seldom rape someone because of lust and the sex act usually has little to no meaning in it's self. He is a TV star and with stardom crazy people sometimes try to accuse them of things to ruin their life because they are twisted in the head. He comes across as a good man that could never do anything like this but that is what they always say about the evildoers. Jeffery Dahmer seemed like a good person to his neighbors. The cops would not arrest him unless there is some solid proof though. He was not Fabio but he was a TV star that was rich and a business success so he could have his pick of super models. If he did this he needs to be shot by a gun built with his own hands. People will feel sorry for him when the victim is the one everyone should feel sorry for. I will wait until the court decides his guilt before I pass judgment but if he did then I hope he is ruined in every way.


Posted 4:35 pm, 08/27/2014

They had been busted by the ATF for losing some class 3 guns. for a while the license was in vinces name. They treated him like crap and the new son in law is a real air head.


Posted 4:31 pm, 08/27/2014

Even, if will is no longer part of red jacket, the business name is ruined., sons of sickos.

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