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So who has actually seen "That Movie"??

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 2:19 pm, 02/23/2015

Empowers, I'm not trying to play it down. If anything, personally, it didn't even awaken anything dark in me. But that's just me...


Posted 2:17 pm, 02/23/2015

Probably would. I watched it when she was too young to sit through it. My son watched it with me though. He's turned out fine, so....

I think you missed my point. It's a personal preference. I'm not condemning anyone for watching it. Just not my thing.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 2:16 pm, 02/23/2015

I think some think he is twisted and perverted. He, actually, was brilliant, hard-working and philanthropic.
Not that he couldn't be perverted but I think he was searching, unconsciously, for something he had never known.

Feel Burger

Posted 2:15 pm, 02/23/2015

Dude. Feel Burgers sex life and dark nature would make that film look G rated.

It is as if you despise us because you are not us.


Posted 2:14 pm, 02/23/2015

Go ahead play it down all you want. It is still appealing to your dark nature.

Feel Burger

Posted 2:13 pm, 02/23/2015

Would you or have you let your daughter watch The Passion of the Christ?


Posted 2:12 pm, 02/23/2015

I do too glitter, I do too

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 2:09 pm, 02/23/2015

Again, I think the sexuality of the story is secondary.


Posted 2:07 pm, 02/23/2015

Don't just go by what your preacher says because they've not read/watched either.

LOL! FUNNY! I can't imagine discussing this movie with my preacher, LOL!!!

Yea, I haven't seen it, haven't read the book and the only thing I know about the movie is how it's portrayed in the previews. Other peeps sex life just ain't never been my thang, lol. I've got friends that went to see it. Some liked it, some not. It's just a personal preference. I'm an adult, but I just CHOOSE to do family oriented things. If I can't take my family to see a movie, then I could care less about going.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 2:07 pm, 02/23/2015

I think the story is his enlightenment and him allowing feelings to surface.

I think it's shows him, overcoming the "perversion" if that's what you want to call it, that his emotions are something even he can't control. His time with her evolved into an emotional intimacy and revealed a level of trust he had never known.

Feel Burger

Posted 2:07 pm, 02/23/2015

Wow. Feel Burger enjoys being an adult.

LOL....o.k.....enjoying being an adult male that watches chick flicks about sex and always refers to himself in third person. That's not weird at all, lol.

Feel Burger has never and will never see this movie. But he certainly wouldn't base what he watches or enjoys off the mental capacity of a child.


Posted 2:03 pm, 02/23/2015

Show your gal the single girl dance, or do you chain her up during daylight hours?


Posted 2:03 pm, 02/23/2015

Actually glitter, I know a girl just like that!

Feel Burger

Posted 2:01 pm, 02/23/2015

There is good news for husbands whose wives are reading and watching this movie. I believe they are no longer required to clear the computer history after internet searching.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 2:00 pm, 02/23/2015

Music, I want to see it, as well. Just working too much and haven't taken the time. You, .38 and I should go...

I think they picked the right girl for her role. She needed to be "mousy". I didn't agree with some of the experiences she hadn't had, though. 22 and graduated college? No, I didn't buy that...

I think it's a trip into his mind and the reasons why he chose the lifestyle, emotionally.


Posted 2:00 pm, 02/23/2015

I agree GW...


Posted 1:59 pm, 02/23/2015

Put a ring on it? Is this 1952? What if we've had a conversation and she doesn't want me to "put a ring on it"? What if we are very happy not having a ring on it. You talk about a feeling like an object, you just told me to put a ring on it. Is that to prove that she's mine, me cave man show you my woman?

Now back to the movie, I don't see how you (HOL that's a collective you so don't feel to special) can comment on a book and/or movie if you (HOL that's a collective you so don't feel to special) unless having watching or read said book/movie.

Don't just go by what your preacher says because they've not read/watched either.


Posted 1:56 pm, 02/23/2015

Just for clarification

No kids need to see this movie
2nd the only thing that is bad in the movie is that the two are not married


Posted 1:55 pm, 02/23/2015

I believe this movie is just one of the things that liberals are listing that conservatives don't like which follows as liberals have been sucked into believing everything liberal leaders tell them and this movie was designed to pull us down even further, to make perversion look good. Look up perversion in the dictionary.


Posted 1:53 pm, 02/23/2015

I agree glitter, she never signed! He never controlled her! Lol! I find it funny the uproar. It's a story.

And I too enjoy being the adult these days and not having to go to my room when my parents send me there just because they wanted to watch a movie that was rated PG-13 (which yeah many of today's movies would have gotten me sent to my room that are rated PG-13) and rated R

heck even the Notebook had a pretty hot love scene in it!

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