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So who has actually seen "That Movie"??


Posted 10:43 pm, 02/23/2015

I have always wondered how one would or could come to ANY opinion based solely on what someone else said.

I was about to reply and say, how can all of these people have an opinion on the book and movie, when they haven't read the book or seen the movie?

Then I remembered, we're in a country of people that call themselves Christians, but have never actually read the Bible. All they know is what someone else has told them about it. People devote their entire lives to a religion, but haven't even read the book on it. So it's no surprise that they have strong feelings about other books they've never read.


Posted 9:40 pm, 02/23/2015

I too find that interesting Hope. Although, I have never understood how someone could have a different opinion other than mine ((hehehe)) I have always wondered how one would or could come to ANY opinion based solely on what someone else said.
That also pertains to people. You see that happen ALL the time. Someone bases their opinion on someone else based on another's opinion, without ever having met the person.



Posted 8:35 pm, 02/23/2015

I always find it interesting when people who haven't read the books or seen the movie base their opinions on what they've "heard" about it.

The only thing that you could maybe construe as damaging in any way is that you might be able to come away with the whole "a good woman can change a bad man" fantasy. The love of innocent Ana fixed or helped heal damaged Christian. Or you could look at it like some others on this thread...he was ready to finally start to heal.

Either way, while there is sex, it becomes sort of secondary, especially as the books go on. Of course, one would not know that, had they not read the books or watched the movie.


Posted 4:33 pm, 02/23/2015

If he lived in a trailer he wouldn't have had a s*x room more like a s*x cellar.


Posted 4:02 pm, 02/23/2015

That's very true


Posted 3:55 pm, 02/23/2015

it's only sexy because he's a billionaire...if he lived in a trailer in wilkes, it'd be an episode of cops

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 3:53 pm, 02/23/2015

Christian Grey had some unresolved issues to work out, mentally. I think the author used his control of sex to expose the deficiencies of a man who appeared to lack nothing.


Posted 3:07 pm, 02/23/2015

Some people like the book/movie and some don't, end of story.


Posted 3:05 pm, 02/23/2015

Particular individuals shouldn't think so highly of themselves nor be offended others do not want to put any energy into their trivialities

thats BS....it gets no more humble than me and I have no problem saying I'm sorry to human beings......


Posted 3:00 pm, 02/23/2015

I went to see it and I really liked it. I read the books so nothing was a surprise and I went knowing what I was going to see. My opinion, there is absolutely nothing wrong with a little nasty sex....or as grey said a hard ****. If tying up and blindfolds and a hard slap on the rump is agreeable...then I say yes. The standard Saturday night session of lights off, man on top is what you want then have at it. But I prefer a little different passionate, raw getting the juices flowing kind of sex myself.....to each his own.....and I do think I am a normal average person :)

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 2:56 pm, 02/23/2015

I think hangsleft said it best.

Particular individuals shouldn't think so highly of themselves nor be offended others do not want to put any energy into their trivialities.


Posted 2:38 pm, 02/23/2015

38spechul (view profile)

Posted 2:25 pm, 02/23/2015

This movie would not be what would awaken any dark nature in me. Just sayin. It's far too tame

it's not going to awaken it in anybody who isn't willing and able within themselves....its fantasy...I get that...I even get thats what glitter is saying

Note from GoNC: a portion of this post was removed for trolling.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 2:29 pm, 02/23/2015

I'm not attempting to make it look harmless and sorry you're taking it that way.

Maybe my point should include what you take from the series/movie is based on your attitude going into it.


Posted 2:28 pm, 02/23/2015

Each to his own.


Posted 2:27 pm, 02/23/2015

And I can be pretty prudish...


Posted 2:25 pm, 02/23/2015

This movie would not be what would awaken any dark nature in me. Just sayin. It's far too tame.


Posted 2:25 pm, 02/23/2015

If it's any consolation, I haven't seen American Sniper yet either, lol.


Posted 2:25 pm, 02/23/2015

Glitter, you are attempting to make it look harmless to hide it's harmful effects. A lot of things in life look harmless until you wake up one day and figure out you were duped.


Posted 2:24 pm, 02/23/2015

Empowers, I'm not trying to play it down. If anything, personally, it didn't even awaken anything dark in me. But that's just me...

but...but....I don't unmderstand that....explain that to me...what does that mean?.....does it mean you think wild, kinky keep you in the dungeon and feed you surf and turf for weeks whilst you grin at him wiff those shiney 3 teffers you still got in your old age....sexy?


Posted 2:23 pm, 02/23/2015

I watched the movie and had to buy s*x jeans. If movies made us anything, then we would all be snipers.

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