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Reading Twice?


Posted 8:33 pm, 08/11/2010

I read The Great Gatsby once a year...I love it.

There are a lot of books that after I read the end and the book comes together for me, I go back and read it again so that I have a better understanding of why things happened the way they did. I did this recently with Revolutionary Road and The Virgin Suicides.


Posted 7:16 pm, 08/11/2010

Yes, there are 2 books that I have read twice, the first was a western that spanned like 30 years, I don't remember the name of it but it may still be here somewhere..the other is The Witching Hour , and will probably read that a third time.

Unintended Conseqences , if I could get my hands on a copy, I would read again also.


Posted 5:20 pm, 08/11/2010

Yes, I have read one book twice and am now considering reading another over again...if I can dig it out...as for movie's...not so much! But I have done it on occasion, but realized that I wasn't paying much attention to it the 2nd time around.


Posted 2:52 pm, 08/11/2010

The Hobbit is one of my favorite books. I think Ive read it about 8 times now.

is it friday yet

Posted 2:33 pm, 08/11/2010

Would you ever read a book more than once? I know people will watch a movie over and over but would you read a book over and over?

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