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Reading Twice?


Posted 9:36 am, 09/23/2010

Yes, Eat,Pray,Love - Its worth reading 2 times or more


Posted 12:56 pm, 09/21/2010

I have a ton of books that I will reread, I have I know of at least 3 that i have read up to 6 times now,


Posted 8:47 pm, 09/15/2010

I have a storage building just for my books. Or rather a detached garage with a side room. I am happily turning it into my own personal library. bought some shelves at wal-mart, 3 to get started and plan on adding more as I get the money. Love my books. I usually manage to get 3-4 a week read and since I can't afford to buy as many as I would like I do reread them often. Love JR Ward, Sherilyn Kenyon, Sandra Hill, Lynsey Sands, and Katie MacAllister to name a few.


Posted 2:55 pm, 09/15/2010

I re-read books all the time. Some of my favorites I have read so many times I can pick it up, open to any page and know what is going on. I am a speed reader as well, and find that I can get more out of a book the more times I read it. I also feel that as we age and go through different experiences in life, our outlook and veiwpoints will give us different perspectives on books. My boyfriend and I have an addiction to books, and buy them all the time at Goodwill, yardsales, etc. We probabaly own well over 1000 books. The problem is finding places to keep them...LOL!


Posted 6:46 pm, 09/12/2010

Y E S!!!!

It is better than watching a movie over and over!


Posted 11:20 pm, 09/08/2010


I've had books that I've loved so much that I immediately will go and buy the set. I save them for my kids when they're old enough to enjoy them, or for myself when I'm bored and want dependable entertainment. I am a speed reader, and I have found that while I enjoy my reading style, I do miss some things ... and tend to pick up those details on the second (or third!) read. Plus I read so many books (usually about 10 a month) that over time they all blur so when I do pick up those books to re-read, they're a pleasant, hazy memory.

My list of favorites would be so long it would bore you to tears, but it's mostly fantasy and sci-fi genres.


Posted 9:32 pm, 09/08/2010

Smalltownman, that sounds really interesting. Did you get it at the public library?


Posted 8:59 am, 09/05/2010

I'm about to start "Nine Lives: Death and Life In New Orleans" by Dan Baum for the second time.

In it he talles of ninr people from different walks of life in NOLA before, during and after Katrina.


Posted 5:17 am, 09/05/2010

Yeah, I have books that I read again! This Present Darkness and Piercing the Darkness are Frank Peretti's two best novels, and they are worthy of a re-read every few years!

I have also re-read several other books over the years.


Posted 11:08 pm, 09/04/2010

I have several serires of books that I am reading again. Totally into hot vampire romance. Yes the Twilight series I've read twice. I am reading J. R. Ward's Blackdagger Brotherhood series for the third time and will read Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake series again, and the Merry Gentry serires again.


Posted 10:46 am, 08/23/2010

Few books I read more than once but the ones I read over and over and over again are Douglas Adams "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy' and Jimmy Buffett's "Where is Joe Merchant" I LOVE THOSE TWO BOOKS!


Posted 10:35 am, 08/22/2010

you may or may not know about a web site called paperbackswap a great way to obtain books at no cost to you other than postage....my daughter and I check it often and enjoy it lots


Posted 7:56 am, 08/22/2010

I'm like lightningkat, I collect books and almost always read them more than once. Some I have read 10 or 11 times. I've lost count how many times I've read Gone With The Wind over the years. The only time I ever get rid of a book is if I didn't like it at all or just couldn't read it the first time. I probably have close to 1000 books also. If I get a new book by an author I haven't read before and really like the book I will make a list of all the books they have and start buying them. I have to keep a list in my purse so I won't purchase the same book twice.

Domestic Rebel

Posted 3:37 pm, 08/20/2010

If a book is any good at all I read it at least twice. Of course, I'll wait a couple of months before i read it again but yes most books I've read, I have read at least two times.

If the book belongs to a series and it takes a while for the next book to be released I will read the entire series again before I get the next book just to refresh my memory as to what was going on.


Posted 10:52 pm, 08/14/2010

I never read a book more than once.

I cant stand to read something when i know what is going to happen next.

As for movies...The only time i watch them more than once is if i want someone who is at my house to watch it because it was good...or someone else puts it on and i have nothing else to do.

I will watch re-runs of sitcoms from the 80's and 90's though!


Posted 10:51 pm, 08/13/2010

I love to reread books. I'm not much of a movie person but I can go through the books. I've read some of the Harry Potter books six or seven times. And several other books two or three times, like The Taking by Dean Koontz and the Black Magician Trilogy by Trudi Canavan.


Posted 9:57 pm, 08/12/2010

Most definitely. especially educational books. take care.


Posted 4:18 pm, 08/12/2010

I have re-read Gone With The Wind almost every two or three years since high school. Now I'm getting reay to re-read the Life In Mitford series by Jan Karol as soon as I finish The Pillars Of The Earth.


Posted 11:46 pm, 08/11/2010

I collect books. They are my weakness and addiction. I have read all the books I own except for the 2 I just purchased. Most of the one I have, I have read several times. BTW I own over 1,000 books.


Posted 11:13 pm, 08/11/2010

I have read a few books twice, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn, I reread after I watched New Moon. I enjoyed them more the second time around. I reread The Deathly Hallows again after the last Harry Potter movie. I can't wait till Nov. for the next.

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