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Nook or Kindle

Daddy P

Posted 5:36 pm, 08/10/2010

I bet you will love it! I am excited for you. I think I would like the option to play audio books too. Like I said, mine sounds robotic with the text to speech so I would probably like a nook better in that aspect. It does let you surf the internet though so I like that. I looked up a phone number on it in Hickory the other day and it was great to be able to do that since I don't have that on my phone. I am so tickled with mine though and the free books. I hope you will love yours. Let us know when you get it.


Posted 4:53 pm, 08/10/2010

I\'m getting a Nook for my birthday next month. It can simply do more (play audiobooks, surf the net, and a lot more with a simple hack...it runs the same \"Android\" operating system as the bestselling smartphones).

The Nook also can display more types of free content (pdfs, "e-pub" format, etc.)

Daddy P

Posted 2:38 am, 08/08/2010

I'm not sure if anyone cares or is interested in this subject, but just in case I thought I would tell my experience. I found a Kindle that was dirt cheap. It was used and came with 31 books on it. Apparently all sellers or even people who give their Kindle away are supposed to delete all books before giving it to someone else. If they don't the books won't be deleted by Kindle like an ipod when connected to a computer. I guess it is an honor thing. The person who sold me mine didn't know this and I didn't either until after I had bought it so the books were on it and she honestly didn't mean to break the rules. I sent amazon an email asking and after several days the guy who wrote me back said as long as I didn't delete the books they would stay on there, but if I deleted them they would be gone forever and not on my amazon account. I bought the one I bought specifically because it had many books I loved. I would have bought a new one if it hadn't been for that. They went down in price to 139.00 this week. I am very happy though with mine. I haven't bought a book for it yet and probably won't until I read all the ones on it. I also downloaded War and Peace for free since many books are free.

I absolutely love it!! I have had trouble reading and concentrating for the past few years. I have to read things over and over to comprehend and it takes me a long time to read a book. I got reading glasses last year and that helped me somewhat to read faster, but with the Kindle I can practically speed read. The font is perfect and I just love it. Two of the reasons I bought a Kindle were because of the text to speech option and the buttons instead of touch screen. I don't like the text to speech. It is robotic and hard to understand. I do like the buttons. It mistakenly thought it had 3g and wireless internet but it only has 3g so it doesn't connect at my house since we can't get AT&T at my house. That is not a problem though so far.

I recommend an ebook reader to anyone who has problems reading a book because of eyesight issues or concentration. You will not be sorry.

PS I forgot that another reason I liked the kindle better was the longer battery life and so far it has been great. It lasted over a week with reading every day.

Daddy P

Posted 3:35 am, 07/25/2010

From what I have read in the kindle agreement it is against rules to not delete books if you give or I guess sell the kindle to someone. I just wonder if kindle can delete them if you hook it to a computer kind of like itunes does if you hook your ipod up to a different computer.

Giving a Used Kindle as Gift
If your Kindle is registered to your account, deregister the Kindle before giving it as a gift. Deregistering ensures that your Kindle cannot be used to make purchases on your account. Also, once the Kindle is deregistered, any books, subscriptions, or other content you've purchased from the Kindle Store will no longer be delivered to the device.

Remove all purchased material from the Kindle device. Purchased Kindle content cannot be given as a gift according to the License Agreement and Terms of Use of the Amazon Kindle.

Daddy P

Posted 12:17 am, 07/25/2010

Question about a kindle 2. If you buy a used one and it has books downloaded on it already that the previous owner has purchased...do you lose the books when you reregister it with amazon?

Daddy P

Posted 12:21 am, 07/17/2010

I think I am going to go with the kindle too. The read to me feature and the longer battery really stand out to me.


Posted 4:43 pm, 07/15/2010

Lol - lost part of my reply! I was saying that I was also interested in opinions on these. As it stands now, I am leaning more toward a Kindle - more book options & longer battery life seems to be a big +


Posted 4:41 pm, 07/15/2010

DaddyP - I don\'t have an answer for you, I was thinking of buying one myself

Daddy P

Posted 3:34 am, 07/15/2010

Are there any other places besided ebay, barnes and noble and amazon to buy them? Better prices?

Daddy P

Posted 3:32 am, 07/15/2010

I know this has been talked about before but I am really having a tough time deciding. I have sold a few things on ebay so I want to use that money on my paypal to buy a nook or kindle. I cannot decide which one to get. The things I like about the Nook are the fact you can lend the books to your friends for two weeks and that you can read free books while in Barnes and Noble. I don't go much so this wouldn't come in handy often. I also like the color screen at the bottom.

The thing I really like about the Kindle is that it has the read to me function and a longer battery life and more book options.

Which one do you guys like? Would you buy a refurbished Kindle off of ebay or a new one on Amazon? Same thing for the Nook. You can buy them new on Barnes and Noble for 148.00 for the wireless or 200.00 for the 3g and wireless. I can't decide if I need the 3g and wireless or just the 3g. LOL! Too much to think about.

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