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Nook or Kindle

Daddy P

Posted 3:01 am, 12/24/2010

Merry Christmas to you too!


Posted 9:10 am, 12/23/2010

One way to "have both" would be to buy an inexpensive Android color tablet, I have the little Archos 5 IT, and use both the Nook and Kindle apps on it. It requires an easy hack to access the Android Marketplace on a tablet. Wink, wink...anyone can do it.

The reading experience on my Archos is actually great, but battery life is FAR shorter than my Nook. It does have a lovely color screen, and you can turn pages by swiping with your finger. You even get the visual effect of a physical page turning, which is cool.

Merry Christmas!

Daddy P

Posted 1:15 am, 12/23/2010

I would love to have both. In a perfect world I would like to have the Nook color. Maybe some day. I love my Kindle though and am so glad I got it. I think either one will make your reading experience better. I love the 3g capability because I can go online anywhere there is AT&T service and it is free. The Kindle has a web browser too and you can get on gowilkes or email. I even send free texts via email on it sometimes. It's slow as heck though so it's more of an emergency situation if I use the browser.


Posted 5:32 am, 12/20/2010

The Nook can read the near-standard .epub format, as well as .pdf. The 'net is full of free books in these formats.

But to me, it comes down to this: do you want a single-purpose device, or do you want your device to do more than just display books. The Nook runs the Android operating system, and can do more than Kindle. It has a web browser (though it's sure not the best device for that purpose!), it has a VERY nice sounding mp3 player if you use a set of good quality headphones, and if you want to look at magazines in color...as well as graphically-rich books, then the decision is made. The new Nook Color can do that, Kindle can't. The new Nook Color can also play Pandora Internet Radio, has games, and will soon have lots more apps. It's primarily an e-reader, but leans more toward a general-purpose tablet. In fact, it's capable of becoming a more fully functional tablet computer with future update. Think Ipad for less than half the cost.

I have the Nook wi-fi, which has a black and white e-ink display, and none of the fancy tablet features...but again, that very nice mp3 player. I love it. I love even more the Nook app for Android devices like my Archod 5. Presently it can only display books, not the couple of magazines I subscribe to on my Nook, which is a bummer. But books are very easy to read in this app, and I'm quite entertained by how page turns work. It convincingly mimics turning paper pages.

It's Nook for me...combined with talking-books from Audible, also on my Android device. So...if you want a multi-purpose device rather than just an e-reader, if you want to be able to enjoy periodicals and graphically-rich books in color, and especially if you own an Android device where you'd like to read as well, it seems to me that your decision is made. Nook.


Posted 5:24 pm, 12/18/2010

I have an ipod touch and got the Kindle app for free. Of course, you still have to buy the books, but I thought it was neat that you don't actually have to buy the Kindle to get it. Some of the books are free or very cheap, while you have the more expensive books.

shoeshine boy

Posted 11:21 pm, 11/08/2010


Daddy P

Posted 11:39 pm, 10/19/2010

Butterflyflo I am having the same problem. I go to the amazon site daily and look at the free book bestsellers list and download any new ones listed. I am afraid to download too many because I feel like I will never be able to sort through them all if i download too many, but I can't help it. It's like a kid in a candy shop. I have a list of 650 books I would like to download but am wary to have that many. How many do you guys have on yours? I have only paid for two books so far.


Posted 12:23 pm, 10/19/2010

I just recieved my new Kindle week before last. I love it. I have had my eye on a Kindle for 2 years. I too struggled between a Kindle and a Nook. I went with the Kindle because of the trouble that B&N is having and there is incertainy about there future. The Kindle can aso hold more books without having to have a card. I went with the Kindle 3 not just because of the 3g + wifi but because the contrast is so much better than the wifi model only.

Now I'm having trouble deciding which books to download. There are so many!


Posted 11:57 am, 09/28/2010

Theotherside, you've probably already have the answer to your question, but BestBuy does have the Kindle. I saw it in their ad in the WSJ Sunday.


Posted 5:45 pm, 09/27/2010

I have been looking at e-readers myself and after a lot of looking and reading about them I believe the Kindle is the way to go. I have both the kindle and nook apps on my phone and cant wait to get the real thing. There are several web sights you can compare all the many brands of e-readers at and they have all the info for all the brands I think there is about 15-16 all together Kimble being the #1 on the market as of now.


Posted 1:05 pm, 09/24/2010

I just got a Nook and I love it but that worries me what Fender said because if they go out then I will be stuck with a useless Nook. I have noticed that the Kindle has more e-books. They have alot the Barnes and Noble does not. Think I am going to go take mine back and get a Kindle this weekend. Can you get them at best buy?

Daddy P

Posted 3:00 am, 09/09/2010

Still loving mine! I listened to the text to read while driving today. It helped calm me down a little.


Posted 11:21 pm, 09/08/2010

KINDLE! Hands down!


Posted 10:19 pm, 09/03/2010

I have a Sony Reader that my son got me last Christmas. I love my e-reader. I can take a lot of books with me when I go somewhere without all of the added weight. I have just about read all of the books by JD Robb, I have 6 to go and then I will have to decide on my next author to read.


Posted 11:42 am, 08/26/2010

Barne's and Noble is in bad shape right now, and being sold because of their poor business.

I'd stay away from their e-book reader.

Daddy P

Posted 4:58 pm, 08/24/2010

You don't have to hook it up to the computer to add books. I have not hooked mine up to a computer at all yet. I have added two free books and to do so all I had to do was make sure I was in a 3g spot that had AT&T cell coverage. I don't have really good reception at my house for it so I usually add them when I am out in town. I could add them with the computer but just haven't taken the time to do that yet since I'm not in any hurry. Some kindles come with wireless and 3g. That means that if you have wireless internet in your home you can hook up to it.


Posted 5:24 pm, 08/23/2010

? Do you hook it up to a Computer to buy the books?


Posted 8:35 pm, 08/19/2010

One good thing about the nook is that you can trade books with others. So theoretically, you can make deals with your friends to purchase certain books and you purchase certain others, then you share with each other!

Daddy P

Posted 3:23 am, 08/12/2010

I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that you get one ap. I am very excited for Radio that he is getting a Nook. I actually have thought of him a couple of times when I was using mine because I think it will be great for him because he has vision impairment. It is just so neat to be able to enlarge the text and makes reading so much faster and easier.


Posted 6:27 pm, 08/10/2010

Man, I'd love to have either one of these e-readers. I know a couple of people with the kindle and they love it. The reduced price on Kindle without 3G capability makes it very inticing. Simply wireless, not 3G. You can find wireless at most any restaurant. Who needs 3G. If I'm traveling, I'll stop at McD's for a soda and buy a book. Plus, there are a lot of books by new authors free to get you to try them, you just have to look often. I still don't have one, but I'm hoping my ship comes in and Santa can afford it one day. I love to read - it's my escape, my drug. I know you won't be sorry for your purchase from the feedback I've gotten from my lucky friends!

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