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New Book by Stephen King


Posted 12:07 am, 09/29/2007

I just finished this book, and it's a great read. I couldn't put it down. If you like King, you'll love this one.


Posted 5:06 am, 11/09/2006

I am reading it now. It is a big book. Probably will take me months to read it. :( It is good so far. I have read every King book except for the cowboy series, or whatever you call them. I could not get through the first one of those. Maybe I should retry.


Posted 6:46 pm, 11/05/2006

I liked the movie The Stand, but I still liked the book better. The movie left out too much! Mama has his new book, but she hasn't loaned it to me yet, guess I will have to wait til she reads it. 8)


Posted 11:48 am, 11/04/2006

Love, did you like the book as much as the movie?

I am a Stephen King reader/movie watcher/collector too and I LOVE the movie "The Stand" but I wasn't as excited about the book. Didn't like the ambiguous ending of the book...

I also love Dean Koontz...I'm currently reading "False Memory".


Posted 6:28 am, 11/02/2006

The new book is at Walmart, My mom informed me that she had already ordered it from her book club, so I guess I will wait til she gets it and reads it, but it is there. Don't know if the library has it yet. :)


Posted 8:34 pm, 10/31/2006

I don't know, but my mom owns his entire collection and will no doubt get it as soon as it hits the press. I like a lot of his books and some not as much. The Stand was my absolute favorite Stephen King book. I have read it several times. That is hard to believe as thick as that book is, but it is such an interest ing book with an intriguing plot. I'm sure I will probably read Lisey's story as soon as mama acquires it. :P


Posted 11:45 pm, 10/30/2006

Well I don't know since I haven't read it, but most of his books do have some sexual innuendos and curse words. I began reading his books at age 11 and loved them. They didn't harm me in any way and I have been a fan for all these years. :D


Posted 9:04 pm, 10/30/2006

do you think its a book for a 14 year old girl? My daughter wants to read it.


Posted 1:18 am, 10/30/2006

I can't wait to read this book. :D


Posted 6:16 am, 10/26/2006

Has any of you die hard Stephen King fans read Lisey's Story yet? I just read a review of it on Yahoo. com and it sounds pretty interesting. It will probably be another bestseller, no doubt. 8)

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