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New Book By Robin Cook


Posted 7:09 am, 09/29/2006

My mom read this book and stated that she felt that this book did not follow Robin Cook's general profile at all that he was trying to write a whole different style with this one and I really agree. I personally like his old style better. :o


Posted 7:08 am, 09/19/2006

This was the only Robin Cook book that ever bothered me.


Posted 10:04 pm, 09/18/2006

Actually, I did not think that this was one of Robin Cook's best books. I thought the Doctor turned out to be an actual creep and got what he deserved, but I thought the pathologist was a really cool dude! I thought the psychologist wife was really cool too and glad that she wised up in the end! 8)


Posted 12:27 am, 09/07/2006

I liked that too. Did it bother you in any way that the doctor supposedly killed his patient but still tried his best to save her life?


Posted 6:59 am, 09/06/2006

I did like the fact the the pathologist got back in time for his wedding. :D


Posted 6:09 am, 09/06/2006

I read this book after seeing you guys post on it. I liked it, but didn't really buy the plot. They made the doctor out to be a nice guy who was arrogant, but he was concerned with his patient who died. It just didn't make sense that he killed her with the poison. Why would he do that? Why would he rush to her home and try to save her? That was never really explained. I get that he was an arrogant a**hole, but it just didn't make sense at all. This was the only book by Robin Cook I never got the ending. It seemed unfinished.

I get that the doc was frustrated by the woman patient, but to kill her and then act so concerned by her trauma was just not cohesive. He was angry at her husband for not telling him how bad she was and he made great efforts to save her. He also reluctantly approved the autopsy. He could have said no. This just did not add up to me. I like a book to add up. I was very disappointed with the ending. I am like a detective. I add up the clues and need things to make sense. Most books do. This one did not.


Posted 6:01 am, 08/29/2006

I finished Crisis, I thought it was o.k, but not one of his best. What did you think about it ? :D


Posted 2:03 am, 08/13/2006

I just recieved that book today from the Literary Guild. I will join you in reading it in a few days. LOL! Post how you like it and we will talk about it.


Posted 9:50 pm, 08/12/2006

For those of you that love medical mysteries, Robin Cook has a new one out. I just ordered it from the Literary Guild and can't wait to read it. I will let you know how good it is, but haven't read one of his yet that wasn't a page turner. :)

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