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Need some feedback


Posted 2:46 pm, 09/24/2011

Work on the set is really comming along. My modivation is to try to create a set of unique love stories with a twist. I've got two short stories actually finished and I hope to have some teasers out soon.


Posted 10:27 am, 09/24/2011

Slayer, I am an addict when it comes to reading. Let me know when you DO get your work finished. Love to support a new author. The question of love is one that is dependent on the person. I know some that don't seem to feel love with the razor edge it can have. Love lost is a razor that cuts for years after you lose someone you love and then turns around and fills your lonely heart when the memories become sweet. Love, like most emotions has different levels. Love for an elderly neighbor and love for a supportive, loving and sweet family member. They both are important. Thanks for making me think about it. Love does survive death. Lost my Mom in October, my big sister this month and I don't love them any less. If anything could I love them even more? I don't know. It is painful but I appreciate and don't regret loving them. I do feel that they love me even though their bodies no longer breathe in and out. Love doesn't die, it just has a different address, you know? Good luck.


Posted 2:04 pm, 09/20/2011

Can love survive death? Is love worth dying for? These are the questions that I want the readers to really think about. I want to put the clasic love story in a different light, or rather, in a diffrent shadow exposing love for something much darker than we perceive becasue a wise man once said "You will find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of veiw."


Posted 8:17 pm, 09/18/2011

Maybe if you learned how to spell, it might be pretty good. **** hath no furry! LOLOLOL!!


Posted 11:11 am, 09/15/2011

I think I have offcially found the theme song for "Infinity"

In fact all of my stories have some sort of musical influence, Eternus was inspired by the song "Eternus" by sanxion 7, and the theme song I am thinking about choosing for Refuge is "Angel of Darkness" by Nightcore


Posted 10:52 am, 09/13/2011

Also would anyone be intersted in a story called "Infinity" about a young girl named Charlotte Greggory who becomes the victim in a vampire cult's ritual that back fires and gives Charlotte imortality but a terrible cost. Now using her eternal youth, Charlotte is trying to get back the life she once had by day and fighting off the monster she turns into by nightfall.


Posted 3:05 pm, 09/07/2011

I'm also working on one other story called "Ring Bearer".

It's a story about a bride who was murdered on her wedding day but her spirit can not find peace untill she marries the man she loves but can love survive death?

It's my newest one so I'm still working on the detials but I'm taking the inspiration from the film "The Notebook" only with a much darker twist and a maybe a sprinkle of "Ghost Whisperer".


Posted 2:16 pm, 09/06/2011

Thanks, I will keep you updated


Posted 8:28 am, 09/05/2011

Table 7 sounds like something I would read. I havent written anything in years. Wish I could get back into it. Best of luck on your own tales.


Posted 3:13 pm, 09/03/2011

I'm taking a break from tyring to force myself to write "Overthrone" 2. I will be writting some new short stories and I want to know if anyone would be intersted in the following.

"Table 7": When a seemingly unstopablle serial killer discovers that his latest victim wont stay dead he soon learns the true meaning behind the prhase "**** hath no furry greater than the wrath of a woman scorned".

"Refuge": in a futuristic socioty ruled by a team of five male dictators known as the 'Supreme Five', females have become slaves and have lost all their freedom. That is untill one prisioner escapes. Now she is on a suiside mission overthrow the goverement and restore freedom for all beings. The battle of the sexes has begun.

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