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Mystery love stories


Posted 8:43 am, 12/14/2006

Catherine Coulter has a new line of myster/romance novels that are pretty good. You may want to check those out.


Posted 9:18 pm, 11/12/2006

I too love Nora Roberts, and hope she comes out with a new one soon as I have read them all.

Love Puppy, you are so right about Wanderlust....it was her best. I have read it 3 times...lol


Posted 7:36 am, 11/03/2006

Debbie Macomber is a good writer who writes about family life and romance. I really enjoyed everyone of her books that I have read. Check out her Cedar Cove Series, she has written six in the series so far with a new one coming out each year. They are all interconnected so some of the characters you will already know from the previous books. It is great for anyone who loves to read. I couldnt put her books down when I was reading them.


Posted 6:51 am, 09/07/2006

Wanderlust, by Danielle Steele is one of her very best books. It is an older book, but very good. It is one that I have read several times. :)


Posted 9:10 pm, 09/06/2006

Also, Marliss Melton, Seal Team 12 series: "Forget Me Not," "In the Dark," and "Time to Run."


Posted 8:54 pm, 09/06/2006

Also Cindy Gerard: http://www.cindygerard.com/


Posted 8:50 pm, 09/06/2006

I like Gennite Lowe: www.gennita-low.com


Posted 9:34 am, 09/06/2006

Im a fan of Sandra Brown, and Nora Roberts.

:D :D


Posted 10:32 pm, 08/23/2006

Mary Higgins Clark is the master of romantic mysteries!!


Posted 11:41 pm, 08/05/2006

I like Lee Smith. At one time she taught English at NC State. Her books are different but have a good story and will keep your interest. I am not sure if she has written anything lately but all of her books are a good read.


Posted 9:39 am, 08/05/2006

Danielle Steele writes a lot of the romance novels and they are sometimes mysteries. I haven't read all of her books, but Wanderlust, was one of her best. Dianna Gabaldon is also very good for the Romance Mysteries. Have a good read! :D


Posted 12:47 pm, 07/14/2006

Karen Robards is really good too


Posted 12:46 pm, 07/09/2006

i have been getting hooked on Fern Michaels


Posted 10:52 pm, 07/06/2006

Barbara Delinsky

really rockin

Posted 9:20 pm, 07/06/2006

hi, try sandra brown her books are great just what your looking for

i hope

Wilkes County Public Library

Posted 1:56 pm, 06/30/2006

Through the library, you can get access to a great reader's advisory service called Novelist. Here's what Novelist recommends for Nora Roberts fans:


Although her books generally feature more humor and a lighter touch, Jayne Ann Krentz's Eclipse Bay series is certainly a valid suggestion for fans of Roberts' larger paperback trilogies and quartets. Krentz, like Roberts, emphasizes family connections and the importance of friends and confidantes in all her books. These are especially similar, with the related storyline and characters who starred in one novel, returning to subsequent stories in secondary roles. There's also usually an element of suspense or mystery in Krentz's books, and this, too, should satisfy readers of Roberts.

Mary Jo Putney, known for her adventure-filled historical romances and Regencies, has turned to writing contemporary romances. The Burning Point, her first, features a strong heroine, hurt by love, who finds healing and satisfaction, not to mention unexpected love, in her work in her father's demolition business. Career-oriented heroines, strong heroes, and friends and family for support people these stories.

Many romance writers followed Roberts to Romantic Suspense, and together they changed that genre. Although harder-edged in terms of both sex and violence, Sandra Brown is a popular choice among Roberts fans. Envy makes a good starting point. In a slush pile of unsolicited manuscripts, editor and publishing executive Maris Matherly-Reed discovers a submission that piques her interest. But when she attempts to discover more, she finds a solitary, abrasive, wheel-chair bound, and very handsome man, whose tale of envy is also a plot for revenge. His novel, interspersed with the present-day story, provides a suspenseful backdrop to a story of betrayal and eventually love.

Elizabeth Lowell's novels also offer possibilities for Roberts readers. While Lowell often employs a more lush, sensual prose, her stories also feature strong, battling heroes and heroines, interesting details of gems and more, fast-pacing, adventure, and suspense. In Jade Island, Kyle Donovan and Lianne Blakely spar with each other, trying to deny the immediate attraction, while escaping assassins and avoiding an international incident involving the jade trade. Like Roberts, Lowell uses less humor to support her sympathetic characters and intriguing plots.

Mary Alice Monroe made her name with The Book Club, but The Four Seasons more closely approximates the plot and feel of Nora Roberts' books. Three sisters embark on a quest to fill their dying sister's last request. Along the way they discover fulfillment -- and love. Strong characters, family feel, contemporary settings, and heart -touching stories make this a good suggestion for Roberts readers.


Posted 7:03 pm, 06/26/2006

i have read all of Nora Roberts books. Does anybody know of any other good mystery love stories.

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