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My Friend Leonard


Posted 6:43 am, 09/18/2006

I am reading this book. It is by that guy James Frey who wrote A Million Little Pieces and Oprah tore him a new one because it wasn't really all true. I liked his first book. i don't care if it wasn't all true. It was a good depiction of drug and alcohol abuse. I was annoyed by his repeating words and sentences over and over. It seems like he was just filling space to make the book longer, but I am liking his second book too.

He does do the same thing in this book...repeats the same words and sentences over and over, but his writing is almost like poetry and I do like it. This book takes over where his last left off. He gets out of rehab and finds that his girlfriend has commited suicide just because he couldn't get to her fast enough. That really annoyed me. I know how it is to be suicidal, but he told her that night... I will be there in a few hours to get you, hold on. She hangs herself because he can't get out of rehab fast enough to get to her. She knew it would only be about six hours, but she still hangs herself. Excuse me for being so harsh, but I just was angry at her for the lack of patience. I guess if your are that down you just don't think rationally. His friend Leonard who is in the mafia helps him out and tries to mentor him. That is where I am now. The book is good and I don't give a flip whether he exaggerates or not. I don't read books for facts. I just read for the experience. If I want facts I read autobiographies.

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