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Love Inspired


Posted 1:00 pm, 10/22/2010

I read these books all the time and I have several I would like to trade with you. Send me an email at home.



Posted 5:40 pm, 10/17/2007

I used to order them every month, but hard economic times put an end to that! They are good, non-trashy stories of love, faith, and family values. These are the ones you could loan to a teenager with assurance that they will not get any wrong ideas from them! I used to have a "read day" and read one from cover to cover. Then I would pass them to my mom (86yrs old) and she would pass them to her sister-in-law(85) who would then pass them to her sisters, etc. We had quite a network!


Posted 4:02 pm, 10/12/2007

yes i think that also...its good love stories that are based on Gods leading but they dont say you "have" to do this or you "have" to do that.


Posted 12:36 am, 10/12/2007

I really love them. They don't really push god at you, they just tell a story that isn;t "trashy".


Posted 1:43 pm, 10/11/2007

yes they are...i love them books and if you have not read them yet take a trip to the library and get a few... you will fall in love with them. I have yet read one that i did not like.


Posted 3:12 pm, 10/10/2007

If they help you understand God better, than they are worth reading.


Posted 9:23 pm, 10/09/2007

I agree with you there...i dont read any books unless they are well written to where i understand what is going on. Ive read some by the authors you have named, but i cant remember the titles. The Love Inspired books are based on Gods leading and how he always has a certain soul mate picked out for you in the future.


Posted 5:39 pm, 10/09/2007

I'm not familiar with those authors, but I have always enjoyed a GOOD (I mean well written) historical romance novel. Some authors I really enjoy are Laura Kinsale, Julie Garwood, Judith McNaught, and others who write in similar styles. I have always avoided the serial romances like harlequinn. If there isn't a good historical subtext I'm typically not interested.


Posted 4:21 pm, 10/09/2007

Ive read almost all of them and to me they help me understand the meaning of love and god alot easier.. here are some of the authors...Kathryn Springer, irene brand, dana corbit, and gail sattler.


Posted 12:18 am, 10/09/2007

Give me an example of what you mean by "love inspired." If you mean harlequinn, historical romance, etc...? Can you give a title for an example? An author?


Posted 11:22 pm, 10/08/2007

I avoid them like the plague, but there are people who LOVE them! For me, if I've read one, I've read them all. But don't let me discourage you; try one and see what you think.


Posted 7:43 pm, 10/08/2007

Do any of you read these books?

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