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Local book club


Posted 11:08 pm, 11/02/2009

I'd be willing to head one up...if anyone would really be intrested....if anyone is send me a pm....include what your favorite genre of book is and when would be a good meeting time for you...and we can go from there.

lady laws

Posted 7:54 pm, 11/02/2009

I am very interested in a local book club. To trade or just share info.
Please let me know if you come up with an idea. I work until about 6:30 p. m.
Thanks and Good Luck


Posted 6:02 pm, 11/02/2009

I'd love to join a book club. I'm a stay @ home mommy, and would love to have some adult interaction time, lol. Plus I love to read...so I'd def. be intrested in getting involved. Sarabamanda, why don't you start one up...and I'll try and help you out.


Posted 2:28 pm, 10/31/2009

I'll think about it. I'm more of a behind-the-scenes person, so if I could find a leader, I'd gladly do all of the set-up. :D


Posted 2:14 am, 10/28/2009

There was talk of organizing a book club meeting sometime ago but due to the differing schedules of those who wanted to participate, it never worked out.

We tried an online book club after that but it fell through as well.

Perhaps you could organize one?


Posted 11:28 pm, 10/27/2009

Is there a book club that meets locally? I'd love to join one other than online. Thanks!

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